Thursday, May 05, 2011

In The Fashionista's Closet: Sprite

Top: Zara
Belt: Thrifted
Bag: Vintage
Skirt: Arden B
Shoes: Guess


Style Chic 360 said...

Very pretty...and the title fits perfectly. that bag is so cute!

Nekiah Torres said...

You look FANTASTIC in yellow! I mean WOW! It just makes your entire face shine! I love that skirt girl. Super cute! The length is perfect! Kiah

Audrey...Miss Moon's Musings said...

Love it!! Please tell me you grabbed a can of Sunburst and started dropping it like it was hot all over town!! :)

Katie Mac said...

The title is totally fitting…"Sprite" you look so cool and refreshing! Very cute

Toria said...

Lovely skirt!
~Toria :)


Manecoarse said...

Lovely. Just lovely. (I want that skirt.)

Prissy said...

Ha! You do look like Sprite, a FABULOUS sprite can...but I would have never thought of that until you said something. That skirt is fab, I need one in my life. You must be working really really hard. We didnt get a funny story this time :(


Key said...

Yes, perfect!!!

Johanna said...

Sprite? so clever and fun!! Love the outfit!!

Kerissa said...

This color combo looks super on you. I vote for Sprite hiring you as their new model. You can sip and twirl in long cute colorful skirts. Is that handbag up for grabs for just me! That's suppose to be a strong hint :)



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