
Friday, July 30, 2010

In The Fashionista's Closet: Graphic Artist

I decided to wear jeans today. Too bad it was a million degrees out, you may be able to see the beads of sweat on my brow in some of the pictures.

I had a teaching job interview yesterday (I KNOW, I just started looking!) and color me excited for even being called in.

I had no time to take pics but I like to be relatively conservative for interviews so I wore black wide leg pants, black pumps, a white button down shirt, of course a bold necklace and carried a green handbag.

But apparently I was the only one who decided to be conservative because of the other two women there for interviews, one had on a low cut, short, sleeveless dress with flat sandals and the other had a light brown and black striped hair weave that resembled a skunk.

I'm all for personal expression but sometimes you just can't show all of your hand at once. You need to ease into some things. It was literally STRIPED! For a job interview? I couldn't begin to tell you what she had on because I was so outdone by the hair.

I really wish someone would bear witness to all of the tomfoolery I encounter because the stories are so outlandish. I used to work at a truancy court and a parent came to court with coins glued onto her hair. Currency, people. A nickel, a dime, some pennies all glued onto her updo hairstyle. I guess she needed a change! Get it? A change? Because she had the....oh, never mind!

 Hopefully I will find out about the teaching position soon.....

Have a fabulous weekend!


  1. Love your voice! I can definitely visualize these 'fashion police', pull ovah (old-school Eddie Murphy "Delirious") moments.

  2. I've been lurking for awhile and I must say this is my favorite outfit! I love the jacket.

    Good luck on the job!

  3. I'm loving every single part of this look...the hair, the clutch, the jeans...that jacket! It's perfect!

    You never wear jeans! I love it!

    You make me sick!

  4. Hey look absolutely always...Thx for stopping by and giving that nut the definition of a blog. If you dont like the blog then dont read it. have things been in Dallas. I actually got a job, so Im staying busy. Make sure you email me about ur events

  5. Hey I changed it today lol and totally forgot this is what ur blog looked like I guess ur blog was sublimally in my head lol

  6. I love the whole look, but you have me over here hollering about the skunk and change hairdos...

  7. Anonymous11:14 PM

    This is too cute. I love the jacket!


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