
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

In The Fashionista's Closet: Just Do It!

I hear people engaging in "Stinking Thinking" a lot, sometimes I am also the culprit! They say "I'm too old to learn anything new," or "I'm broke." (I never, EVER use those words because being broke implies that you need to be fixed and I may not have the money available to do what I want to do at that time but I'm not "broke.") But If your situation needs to be fixed, then by all means fix it.

I think we've all been guilty of stinking thinking and may not even realize how often we use it. "Oh I could never wear my hair natural" or "I could never wear that skirt but I like it on you." Well you know what? You can't. You have already defeated yourself by claiming that you aren't going to be able to do something different. 

 Now I am not saying that everything is meant for everybody but what is the harm in trying something new? If you want to add color to your wardrobe, what's stopping you? One of the easiest things to try is color and accessories. Do it!

The only person stopping you is you. We all tend to do things that don't take us out of our comfort zone but if you try on a dress that you wouldn't normally wear, that at least shows your willingness to open yourself up to new things. There will always be a reason why you shouldn't try something, my question is why not?

We get bogged down by the what ifs. "What if people talk about my outfit? What if I try it and I fail?" If there is one thing I've learned on my journey this summer is that I'm not losing anything by trying something new. I may have lost some pride but I think I could use a little less of that anyway.....

I know, easier said than done. I have had many moments when I have talked myself out of something because I didn't think that it would work out. And then I was amazed when I finally bit the bullet and tried it and how simple it ended up being. It's all in your mind....

So start with something small to try, and FOLLOW THROUGH.

I may have to try this version of "Something New":


  1. This is a GREAT post. Very encouraging and you're right, although I must admit that I tend to speak that way more often than not.

    I love your outfit! The patterned skirt, the color combo of yellow and red and the silhouette on you. You look great!

  2. Love this outfit and the pop of yellow is absolute perfection!

  3. You know, this post was right on time, particulaly the video clip - I'd forgotten about that movie! Although I was annoyed abou the Blair Underwood as a creep part, (He's my not so secret object of lust) it is a good reminder to remain open to all possibilities that God sends our way. BTW, you look smashing, as always. I check everyday to see what new inspiration you have posted.

  4. You have a wonderful blog! I have been reading for a while now. I am inspired by your style and wit. I read your post today. I am compelled to comment. I feel the same way; however, I am reluctant to get out of my box! You are absolutely right. I am taking your advice. Nothing ventured, nothing gained! Check out my blog and tell me what you think. Keep up the encouragement. God Bless!

  5. I love this post! It reads just like we talk on the phone!

    *side eye at you making the snotty nosed, cry baby kid take your pic in class for the blog*

    Love the mix of colors!

  6. Anonymous10:53 PM

    I totally agree with your post, BUT what is stopping me? Probably fear that the outfit won't look right on me! But I won't know until I try it on, right? Right!! Oh I luv, luv, luv that bag!!!

  7. I'm loving the color mix, nothing like a punch of color red, yellow on my list of Happy Colors

  8. I'm loving the color mix, nothing like a punch of color red, yellow on my list of Happy Colors

  9. Nice look great. I really like how the belt color adds a lot to the look.


  10. Anonymous9:40 PM

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