
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

In The Fashionista's Closet: Two (Outfit Posts) For The Price of One

I felt very "Three's Company" in this outfit (in a good way!) Does anyone want to go to the Regal Beagle?

Dress: Thrifted; Gold belt: Forever 21; Black pumps: Nine West

I'm seriously considering cutting my hair, something short and funky. I hardly ever wear my hair "out" it is always pulled up into a bun or a puff. I think that I need a new beginning, a re-awakening to jumpstart all of the big things coming my way!
My interpretation of the polka dot dress and animal print photo as seen in Street Style:
I think it needed a necklace or something....

or maybe short hair???
I sometimes feel at such a loss in the morning because I like to dress for how I "feel" but sometimes I think I reach for the same things in my closet (i.e. dresses) because it's easier instead of planning a kick *ss mix and match combo. Maybe that will be my style challenge next week, plan out my outfits for the week and see how that makes a difference. Will I leave earlier to go to work, will I feel more confident because I planned better? I say let's try it! Does anyone plan out their outfits days or weeks in advance?


  1. HI Lady,
    I have been following the blog lately and I must say I love it! You have revived my wardrobe and you didn't even know! About the haircut, I just cut my hair all short and I am in love! The cut gives me just enough sas to not feel like a mommy and to look "pulled together" at all times, amazing what a good cut will do!
    I don't plan my outfits unless I know I have to be somewhere by a certain time the next day...since I work from home this is pretty much allowed and yes I am like you I like to dress for how I feel, let me know how the challenge goes and keep up the great work!

  2. I work Four (tues - fri) 10 hour days.. so I leave pretty early in the morning.. and I get home late too.. I take my monday off (or sometimes on sunday).. and plan my outfits for the week. I pull them and hang them in the order that I want to wear them too. But I always plan an extra outfit, in case, i dont like the way something looks or fits when I putit on.. and Usually, the "safety outfit" is a dress, lol! .. you have an awesome style and I know you will knock this challange out of the park! .. I cant wait to see what you come up with for next week.
    Mrs Hall In Training

  3. love both outfits!

    and i wish i could say i was disciplined enough to plan my outfits but rarely does that happen. I just get up and give it a go!

    (where fashion and DIY collide)

  4. I can't plan my outfits all depends on how I feel. I'm a moody dresser! HA!

    Love the regal beagle dress!! It is definitely a Janet dress!

  5. You are a thrifting CHAMP!

  6. I love the dress and the polka d w/the animal shoes - new inspiration! I have those shoes in a lower heel. And yes, I do plan my outfits: Sunday, I write down for the week. But about once a week, I end up wearing something "not on the list" because I'm not in the mood for the plan. Like TODAY!

  7. I plan only if I know an event is coming up or if I'm going on vacation (I don't like to overpack). If it's just day to day stuff, no I don't plan at all.

    I love the first dress you posted!

  8. Love that 1st dress and those Nine West pumps miss lady.

  9. said you were missing something in the last may be a fab clutch as a finishing detail??

  10. Anonymous10:47 PM

    Love the "Regal Beagle" is very 3's Company...I love dresses like that...reminds me of stuff my mom wore when I was little and I loved watching her get dressed.


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