
Friday, October 22, 2010

In The Fashionista's Closet: Better Days

Oh what a difference a couple of days make......

I'm feeling better about my situation and circumstances and even went and worked out today. (I know!) I've been doing some mini workouts at home but I actually went to the workout room at my complex and ran on the treadmill. (I KNOW!)
Maybe it's the endorphins from my workout but I feel strong and renewed. I know that I will get through this, it's just a temporary situation. Hmmmm, I guess if I want to continue to feel this way I should continue to work out??? What a concept!

I really like this photo because I think my face looks thinner. I guess I should take all of my pics from this angle.

Okay so my pledge is to work out (harder) and more regularly, I have recently caught some episodes of 'Thintervention with Jackie Warner' on Bravo and seeing the people on the show has motivated me to push myself to get the results that I want. I think it's more realistic than 'The Biggest Loser' because they aren't keeping the participants secluded, they are still allowed to go home and they make their food choices for themselves. I lost 6 pounds when I was working my second job because they were working me like it was slavery times and I want to keep that off and lose 5-10 more pounds.

Wish me luck! 

P.S. I like the way my dress is blowing in the wind here so I don't care about the random people in the background. Shoes are BCBG.


  1. I'm glad exercising is helping your mind set....It always does. I have been running as well ....and looking to lose 10 pounds.


  2. I worked out today too! I went to Zumba but I had to stop twice because I got dizzy! I didn't quit though! HA!

    Loving the nature pictures!

  3. now its my turn to be in dumps....glad your feeling better.

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