
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

In The Fashionista's Closet: Purple Reign

So sorry dear readers, I have been, well in a time with my kinder kids has come and gone, they have a new teacher and I was pretty bummed. But my sweet sweet kids (and their parents) sent me away with some lovely parting gifts.....

This is a card that my dear friend made for all of the kids to sign and presented to me. One of the other teachers thought of the idea, they are belts! How cute is that?!?!

I was also busy last week with Parent/Teacher conferences and report cards so I have had barely enough time for the important things like looking for a teaching position and watching new episodes of Glee.

But I am still substituting at the same school so I still get to see my kiddies and they have an awesome (bilingual) teacher so they are in great hands.

 I was in another kindergarten class today that was soooo terrible I think we need to do some hair follicle testing for drugs or alcohol, their behavior was that bad. At one point I literally laughed out loud because I was sure someone was going to pop up and say "Smile! You're on candid camera!" and the title of the segment was going to be Bebe's Kids.

If I had them for another week I'm pretty sure I could get them in order but (thankfully) I'll be in another grade tomorrow.  Who says prayer doesn't work???


  1. Anonymous10:24 PM

    How sweet:) The belt cards are too cute and so creative! I know you miss your babies, don't we get attached:) Girl you could definitely whip those kids into shape in the new class:) I love, love, love the purple dress. I really, really need you and Reiko to add me on for some personal consult/shopping time:)

  2. See...the kiddies do love you!

    And I see you punked your nephew into taking some candid shots! Don't you love bossing kids around to take oru pics!

    Wasn't I with you when you got this dress!?!? CUTE!!!

  3. I really like purple on you...nice pop.



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