
Thursday, November 04, 2010

In The Fashionista's Closet: Mod Squad

Today has to be one of the most wonderful days that I've had in a long LONG time. I won't say too much yet but I am so grateful for all the things that are happening in my favor. I had an impromptu interview today and I KNOW that it was because of THIS outfit:

(I'd like to imagine) that the principal took one look at me and thought, "This is a woman who works well with kids."
(I realized after taking the pics that I had my jacket buttoned up wrong.......) No do-over!

Or maybe she thought, "Well at least the kids can learn their colors while she's around."

I am definitely a color person, I love bright colors all year round. I like to mix at least two contrasting colors with each outfit and keep everything else neutral.

Now if I can get this pattern mixing thing together....

Dress: Thrifted

I got this dress in the heat of summer, I look for things of all seasons when I thrift, most people only focus on the season at hand. I could not figure out if it should be zipped in the front or the back. There is no tag, I believe it's handmade. I finally zipped it up the front since it has darts there also.

Tights: Walmart; Shoes: Nine West

Thanks to all of the visitors and commenters on my blog, stay tuned for a giveaway to celebrate my having 100+ followers! 

This sums up my day: 
(This isn't a video but just for you to listen to.)


  1. Love the yellow jacket! So cheery. Well, of course it is, it's YELLOW!

  2. Think positive...Be positive ...and you get postive results. I'm happy things are looking and feeling better for you.


  3. you look great...but what else is new.

  4. I'm feeling the side bun!!!! One of my fave looks right now.


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