
Saturday, December 11, 2010

Birthday Wishlist

My birthday is Monday and here are a few things that I wouldn't mind having:

 Not available until April 2011 this streetstyle book has me wanting it already! Style Like U $19.77 @Amazon
Born Again Vintage: 25 ways to Deconstruct, Reinvent, and Recycle Your Wardrobe Only $16.47 @Amazon

Love these wide leg trouser jeans, they come with an extra 3 inches at the bottom for those who want an extra long jean (like me!) I am 5'8 and I am obsessive about my pant length, they must be loooonnnnggg. Emerson Made Bluebells $188

Full dresses and skirts to wear with my crinolines:


All images via

A HUGE thank you to Reiko for satisfying my Jay-Z jones and gifting me his new book Decoded!
 I love Jay's swagger, there is something about him that appeals to me and he is so intelligent. (Or maybe it's because his birthday is December 4th so we are both Sagittarius' and like attracts like!)


  1. Anonymous10:31 AM

    Well, happy (early) birthday! I'm glad it lands before Christmas so no one has an excuse to not get you something. He he! And I'm with you on the Decoded. I love the cover.

  2. Happy Birthday! I love the dressed. I have to look into JayZ's book. Never paid any attention to it...well of those books.

  3. Happy early birthday! Let me know how you like Jay-Z's book...I'd like to read it too!

  4. omg I love this blog and you are my secert friend in my head! lol not only do we both love the 50 and 70, Tracy Ellis Ross but you also share the same birthday as my mother..who was one of the most speical people in my life- your a beautiful person...keep doing you!

  5. Excellent Blog! I really admire your thinking and the way you have put these information in this post. Thanks for sharing an informative post.


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