
Tuesday, December 07, 2010

In The Fashionista's Closet: B. Jones Inspired

Today's outfit post was inspired by Beth of B. Jones Style.

Her way:

I dig her.

My Way:
 I loved this look when I saw it on Beth and I enjoyed it for me. Comfortable yet still style-worthy....

A kindergarden class was writing letters to Santa about gifts they wanted for their family members and this is what one kid wrote:

A MAN for his mom? I thought I misunderstood what he meant so I asked him "You want a MAN for your mom?" "Yes" he said, "a boyfriend."  "Ummmmkayyy," I said (secretly hoping someone is praying for a man for me for Christmas.) "My dad I have now is mean to her so I want her to have a new man."

I ain't trying to be funny but she already got a man and he's wishing for a NEW man??? I think that's kind of greedy......

Jacket: Thrifted
Maxi dress: Bought from a shopping party eons ago
Boots: Juicy Couture

Here's hoping Santa brings you all the things you want!


  1. I really like that skirt on you ...and for me.

    Kids these days really are minnie adults....the things they say and think. lol


  2. The most important thing in his letter is the "the dad I have now is mean to her." Mean to her? How mean?? Slapping her around mean?? He's trying to take care of her. She may not know it, but she has a great man, even tho he's only 5!!

  3. I love that last picture!

    And the Santa letter....hilarious!

  4. You are really rocking this look the hair the jacket the dress - rock on girl!!

  5. A man for mom...LOL! Too cute! This outfit is adorable.

  6. Cute outfit! It's too cold out here to wear something like that right now.

    I am over here cracking up at your commentary on the Santa letter! That reminds me of this movie I saw on BET a couple of weeks ago. I think it was called The Perfect Christmas...Morris Chestnutt and Gabrielle Union were in it.

  7. Totally cute! I live in FL, so this is definitely a style I can rock!
    p.s. I luv your hair!

  8. Thanks so much girlies, this was an old braidout. Ms. Tee, I saw that movie, it was kinda crazy, that dang Charlie Murphy!

  9. Love the execution here. That blue is gorgeous. And your hair... yes. I love it.

  10. Cute! Love your recreation!

    Stacey Kay
    “Runway Inspiration, Vintage Decoration”

    Take the Goodwill Huntingg Challenge!

  11. You look great!

    But I am with Mellodee. Abusive men are a SERIOUS situation and having a man like that is having less than NONE. Her son is RIGHT ON.

    I am quite surprised to see that this issue is not recognized for what it is and not taken seriously. Women need to WAKE THE HECK UP.

  12. I am reading old posts, because I just discovered your blog. I laughed out loud, in my office when I read this. Shh, Im supposed to be working!!! Did Santa bring her a new man????


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