
Thursday, January 13, 2011

In The Fashionista's Closet: Spring Fever

I've been feeling a bit unispired as of late and thoughts of spring have been running around in my head already. 

And speaking of Spring:

Check out this flirty H&M dress, it's the epitome of spring, n'est-ce pas?
I dream of myself in this dress and it is only $24.95 but I am thinking that our preview H&M in Dallas won't have it by the time the store shuts down in March. (It will have its official opening in October.) PLEASE let me know if you see this dress at your local H&M and I will send you the money. Yes it's that serious! 

Is it just me or are you ready for Spring as well? 

Blogs I've been reading lately (besides the usual suspects to the left):


K Is For Kinky (natural hair site)

 I find most blogs via Reiko, she seems to know every style blog around....

#1 Person that I wish had a blog:

Tracee Ellis Ross

(I hate 1st and 2nd day hair, not big enough!)

Tracee really is a friend in my head, I think we would get along famously...if she let me raid her closet...

Jacket: Zara
Scarf: Zara
Sweater: Ralph Lauren


  1. I'm definitely ready for spring...winter is so BLAH! Having four seasons is for the birds!

    Ok, I am loving that H&M dress. Is it supposed to be in stores now? If so, I will have to check the location near me...

    The color of that jacket looks beautiful on you (I love jewel tones)! And I am in love with that scarf!

  2. I hate your first day hair too...LOL!

    P.S...I find the blogs...and you investigate them...that's how we work!

    Loving the jacket/scarf combo

  3. Im so sick of this weather. wanting Spring like....RIGHT NOW!.
    love the outfit!

    My latest style report

  4. Im in serious LOVE with this dress...Im assuming Deon will want this dress too seeing as how we both like polka dots :) I hope you get one!!!

  5. Cute. I agree Trace (thats what Icall her) needs a blog. That a must have!

  6. That jacket and scarf look gret together.

    It's funny that you mention your 1st and 2nd day hair. I'm having my birthday celebrations on Saturday and I had to wash my hair last night just to make sure it's on point for Saturday. LOL. Oh well....

  7. I agree...WISH Tracee Ross had a blog. She did have a few good style interview pages in The ELLEments of Personal Style book.


  8. I went Spring shopping today! I am soo ready for the dreary, cold weather we've been having is OVER!!


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