
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

In The Fashionista's Closet: Bitter Pill

This week has been a week of irritations and disappointments and yall know that I don't like to burden you (well not too much) so I won't bother with the details.

Jacket: Thrifted
Belt: Thrifted
Skirt: Banana Republic

I read a book a couple of years ago titled "Controlling the Tongue" and there was a chapter on "Dignifying the Trial" and that has been my struggle this week. It basically says that whenever you are having a hard time, the struggle is in how you carry it. It is about accepting whatever is happening in your life without complaint. "Dignifying the trial means to accept any trial graciously...and letting it last as long as necessary to accomplish God's purpose in it." Well I can tell you right now that I haven't been dignifying a doggone thing except my indignation over my circumstances. I may have even uttered the phrase "Why me?!"

Shirt: Vintage (gifted by Reiko)
shoes: XOXO via Ross

I know that I have to begin again and face whatever happens with understanding that whatever is happening  is not a punishment, that I am being prepared, and that trials do end. I need to rejoice that I am still here to accept these challenges and that I need to face them with dignity and grace. The issue is not that we have problems but how we handle the problems and I haven't been a great example as of late.

 bag: Chloe

I did want to show you a little nugget of satisfaction from my week, I have been looking for a vintage train case and my friend, P found this vintage Samsonite one and bought it for me! 

  I plan to carry it as a handbag so if you see a chick around town looking like she's about to go on vacation but she's not at the airport, stop and say hi, it's me! 


  1. Anonymous6:48 AM

    Your outfit is so pretty & I LOVE those shoes!

  2. Love the outfit! You always find so many nice things while out thrifting. Shout out to P for picking up that train case!!! Another shout out to Reiko for gifting you that lovely blouse. I'm picturing it with some bellbottoms & chunky platforms or heels...cute accessories & your beautiful hair!! Work that out, Juanette!!!


  3. LOVE your thrifted outfit. Your totally fabulous!


  4. Anonymous7:49 PM

    OMG. I received a 3 piece dark brown croc patterned Samsonite set with a train case like this from my grandmother years ago and it's been in my attic forever! Pls show a picture when you carry this!

  5. "Dignifying the Trial"... I really like that. It's the epitome of grace under fire.

    Everything we encounter in life has the opportunity to either be a lesson or a blessing (or a combination of the two)... it's encountering it will grace and appreciation that makes us stronger people.

    Peace from Brooklyn!

  6. the thirft stores in texas must be amazing!!!! bring some of that love to CT- the outfit and color sceme is perfect!


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