
Thursday, February 03, 2011

In The Fashionista's Closet: It's Still Just Kool-Aid

A couple of years ago, (when I was part of a couple) we were friends with another couple and the woman was an attorney. She was very pretentious and would make snide comments about how none of her boyfriend's friends owned property (she lived in an apartment and he lived at home) and how because I worked at Neiman Marcus, everyone there must be 'classy' (incorrect assumption.) The couple eventually got engaged and when we received the invitation it looked like this:

blah blah blah would like to invite you to the wedding of her daughter 
Attorney Bride's Name
Groom's Name

No, her name is not attorney, she put her JOB TITLE in front of her name on her wedding invitation. I still have the actual invitation but I couldn't figure out how to blur the names, but it was too good to throw out. I'm thinking that if you're inviting someone to your wedding, don't they already know what your occupation is? Notice she didn't put the fiance's job title on the invite, I guess his title wasn't important enough. Fast forward to the week of the wedding and my boyfriend at the time was told that because he didn't RSVP (he was in the wedding party and had been to all wedding related events) that they didn't realize that I was attending and that I could come but I would need to bring money to pay for my meal at the reception. 

There was some serious @#%^#$#$#(&+*** #who does that, is she serious, I thought she was so highfalutin words being said that day. Needless to say I didn't attend.

Vintage jacket and earrings
Jeans: Calvin Klein

(I took these pics before an event on Saturday and then 
changed into navy pants to see if I liked the look better. Which look do you prefer?)

Pants: Zara
Assorted bracelets: Forever 21
Shoes: BCBG

Point being, you can dress up Kool-Aid any way you want to, add lemon slices, mix it with other flavors, add ginger ale, but it's all still country, sugary, no good for you, 20 cents a pack Kool Aid. Full discolsure, I love Kool Aid. I just bought some the other day. But I don't pretend that I'm too good for Kool Aid....

So as much as you want to be the "Too Good For You" City Mouse, just be okay with embracing your undeniable Country Mouse. It's ok...I promise  


  1. No she didnt! smh

    I like that blazer color on you Juanette.


  2. hahahahaha! I just want all your readers to know that this story is even FUNNIER when you tell it out loud. I will never forget this.

  3. Oh Lawd!! She was a mess...I got one though, I RSVPd to wedding but was unable to go because I didnt have a babysitter. Why the girl told another mutual friend she was mad at me for not coming to her wedding ( which was in another state 4 hrs away) and she wanted me to pay for my plate she paid for?!?! We haven't spoken since. Silly. smh

    I like the jacket with jeans.:)

  4. LOL....yes it burns me up when people flaunt thier titles. let your work speak for itself if your all that.

    but anyway love the vintage jacket especially with the navy pants.

  5. That jacket is freaking awesome!!!!!

  6. You get the award for silly ass blogger of the day...for using "highfalutin"!

    People don't use that word enough. I'm gonna make that part of my daily vocabulary.

    Love that jacket...I vote for the jeans

  7. Highfalutin is regular vocab in my neck of the woods (I live in Mayberry LOL).

    Love the story...folk always show their true colors

    Love the outfit....with either jeans or pants.

  8. Smh! She reminds me of Phaedra from the Real Housewives of Atlanta--so concerned with what others think about her. Anyways, I vote for the outfit with jeans.

  9. ianiza beat me to it! has to be phaedra, that much ridiculousness could not possibly exist in TWO human beings walking this earth!

  10. girl I was literally DYING laughing! that is absolutely redic! however, not so unusual...i'm in med school and you know every single person has to at LEAST have one degree (bachelor's) to be here. however some ppl feel the need to LIST their degree under their name on their email signatures. IE:

    Bachelor of Sciences in Biological Sciences, Master of Science in Public Health, Candidate for Doctorate of Medicine....

    UM AIN'T WE ALL?!?!

    However I can see being peeved about someone not RSVP'ing. I don't think people adhere to etiquette enough when it comes to attending a wedding, but they should've just said they weren't expecting you and left it at that!

  11. Anonymous11:22 PM

    I love that jacket! The color, the buttons, just love it! OMG @ the whole wedding thing! I hate folks wo get caught up in titles first of all! Its so trivial! Nobody even cares outside of an employer! Gee wiz! She gets the boot! lol

  12. Keiranzma9:20 AM

    Triife. Just plain trife. As an attorney, I have to say fools like that are the reason I never put Esq. On ANYTHING. Pretentious, much? Ugh. And she probably thinks she got a juris "doctorate (it's a juris doctor)" degree too. This makes my eyes bleed. Anyway, that jacket is GORG, and I think I prefer it with the jeans, they look great on you!

  13. OMG! I don't know what your voice sounds like, but like Work With What You've Got said, I bet it is even funnier hearing this in person.

    I love the jacket with the jeans the best. The navy pants could def be worn with the jacket especially for work.

  14. lol you ladies are making me laugh with YOUR comments, and she probably wishes she were Phaedra, she wasn't even on that level.

    @Ebony I totally agree with the RSVP, I admit that we were remiss and I get annoyed that people don't RSVP but to ask someone to bring $39 (I forget the actual amount) to pay for their meal is so crazy!

    Thanks for the compliments!

  15. Michael11:19 PM

    Wow...well I use to promote your blog all the time...ah didn't need my anyway...Great Blog!!!

  16. *gasp* I. LOVE. YOUR. JACKET! And those shoes in the first pic! You are such a diva!

    I can't see all of the details in those shoes, but I may have kept those on and just switched into the navy pants. I like both looks, but the casual look is so sassy.

    I probably would have laughed out loud if I received an invitation like that...That's just as bad as people putting their titles and positions they hold in various organization in email signatures that are not at all relevant to the subject matter!

  17. Anonymous6:54 PM

    i :heart: that jacket!!

    && my vote is for the jean look :-)

  18. I loooooooove the look but prefer it with the jeans. You have such panache!
    But this post? The best one I have read in forever. The Kool-Aid analogy deserves to be bronzed.


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