
Friday, July 24, 2015

Choosey Lover

Love. Sigh. It is both a blessing and a curse. We seek it, we crave that heart that connects with ours, we believe that somewhere there is someone who excites our soul. 
And sometimes we are fortunate enough to find it. 

But then doubt sets in. We fear that the love may leave us as love has done in the past. A particular behavior may trigger something that we experienced with someone else and we question our current relationship. We have been emotionally injured by someone who didn't take care with our heart so we assume that no one will. And so sometimes we sabotage it. We quit before we get fired so to speak. 
Rationally you know that you must let the past go, that former situations shouldn't hold your future hostage but your mind didn't give your heart the memo. 

So what do you do?
I've said before that love is a choice and I recently read an article that reiterated that. We say "I fell in love" but love doesn't just happen to us. We choose to open our hearts and once we opt to love then it is a commitment. But then we forget. We don't recall the plans that we made or the joy that we brought to one another's lives.Will everything be peaches and cream (or bacon and eggs in my case) in a relationship? No, of course not. There will be stressful situations, money strains, heated arguments, and times of impatience but that is when you have to dig in and select to love a little harder. Even when you don't see the light at the end of the tunnel.  
And sometimes it's as dark as H-E-Double Hockey Sticks in that tunnel. 

Ah love, you break my heart and make me feel helpless and hopeless. It's excruciating when it ends, but I choose to endure all of the bad for the sweetness that you bring to me when it is pure and real. So when you are fortunate enough to experience it, fight for it, And always, always choose to love. 

 Glasses: Warby Parker
Bob Marley tank: Forever 21
Striped bandeau: Ross
Bracelets: Assorted
Camo shorts: Old Navy
Sneakers: Converse

“We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.” ~Sam Keen


  1. Joli look !

  2. You speak the truth ma'am!

  3. Most people really don't see love for the work that it really is. They create this movie in their head of what love will be like in a relationship or marriage and because it doesn't happen that way they end up disappointed and gun shy. It's always unfair to their significant others because they stepped in to a role that was casted for the perfect person that comes straight out of a fairy tale. Wake up and smell the coffee. Your relationships are just like your life, they are what you make it. Great piece Juanette.

  4. Most people really don't see love for the work that it really is. They create this movie in their head of what love will be like in a relationship or marriage and because it doesn't happen that way they end up disappointed and fun shy. It's always unfair to their significant others because they stepped in to a role that was casted for the perfect person that comes straight of a fairy tale. Awake up and smell the coffee. Your relationships are just like your life, they are what you make it. Great piece Juanette.

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  6. This comment has been removed by the author.


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