Monday, February 21, 2011

Official SFAM Headquarters!

Caution: Photo Overload

Backstory: Reiko said to me back in June of 2010, "We need to start a business together. And our headquarter's can be Buc-ees!" Me: "What is a Buc-ee?" She: "OMG, you've never heard of Buc-ees??? They have EVERYTHING!"

Fast forward 8 months later and we officially started SFAM and needed to meet to take some pics conduct some business, so where do we decide to meet? Why Buc-ees of course! We met up in Madisonville, Texas which was practically halfway for both of us and Buc-ees was indeed something to behold. Its so much more than a convenience store! Need some leather suspenders, jalapeno dip, deli meats, barbecue grill, peanut butter fudge, any type of jerky or beaver themed playing cards? You gotta go to Buc-ees!

 Reiko was so purposeful in her quest for turkey jerky....

Big thanks to our resident photographer and board member Petra for taking the pics!

After squeals of delight, lots of hugs, a quick lunch and jackets and shoe changes, we took pics called the meeting to order.

Board of Directors

Reiko was gracious enough to give me her camo jacket after I spotted it in her trunk. I envision great things in our future!

There were people galore but did we care? Nope, not a bit! We took pics like we were all by our lonesomes!

(I wanted to snatch her shoes and hide them in my bag.) She did let me try them on and they were heaven in spite of being a 4 inch platform.
 "Me and you, us never part, Ma-Ki-Da-Da!"

My beloved vintage train case....

It was a fast, fun and most of all FABULOUS time! We talk or BB Messenger almost daily so it was great to connect and see Reiko's smiling face. I miss her already! And if you're anywhere near one, make sure you go to Buc-ees!


GFS said...
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GFS said...

BWAHHHAAA!!!! That little mini trip was just what I needed! It was so good seeing your silly butt!

P.S...your pics came out better. Tell Petra "I Spy a conspiracy."

Tonia Lee Smith said...

Don't know who you guys do it in the heels? Looking fabulous never the less.

Rhine Family Blog said...

Buccees is the truth! I love that place.

Ag said...

I love the hair but most importantly that VINTAGE TRUNK!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for showing how you carried the vintage train case! Cute!

TheFabChick said...

Love your vintage train case...

TheFabChick said...

Love your vintage train case...



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