Sunday, March 20, 2011

In The Fashionista's Closet: Weird Science

Is it weird that a woman breastfed her baby next to me today in church? No blanket or nothing, I looked over and was like "Whoa!"

Is it weird that I met a neighbor yesterday and we ended up liking one another instantly and hung out the whole day? We went to the mall, to the beauty supply store and to dinner all after knowing one another about ten minutes. We met because she stopped me and asked me abut the dress that I was wearing and then we bonded over hair and shoes.

I felt very boobalicious in this dress so I ended up buttoning up a couple of buttons on the jacket....

Is it weird that ever since I joined twitter I want to hashtag everything, regardless of whether I'm tweeting or not? #thiscouldbearealsickness

Dress; thrifted
Jacket: Gap
Belt: thrifted by Reiko
Bag: Vintage
Shoes: BCBG

Have a Great Week!


Unknown said...

i understand its natural and all...but still tacky. great outfit!

Unknown said...

Love this look-the leopard belt is super cute and I am actually rocking mine today:-)
Breastfeeding in church with no blanket=gross

Thriftanista in the City said...

Cute belt!

Feeding a baby is feeding a baby says the breastfeeding mother.

I do not cover my baby while I'm feeding her and my suggestion for people who don't want to see it is to not look. #mytwocents

Vix said...

Hi, love those mention of where they are from. Also, I am thinking about going back to my natural hair texture, any tips or fav products that you use (love your hair)

TrophyBoutique said...

You look boobal-awesome in this outfit, no wonder you made a new friend! I would have stopped you and made you hang out with me too.

As for twitter, you might as well hashtag everything. I mean, you never know?

Zarna said...

such a gorgeous bag!!

Juanette said...

Thank you chicas! @Mama Violet I feel that you gotta do what you gotta do as well but I was taken aback because I didn't expect that at church and no blanket. But I don't know breastfeeding etiquette so it was weird to me.

@Vix the earrings are from Forever 21, I'll do a hair post soon!

Anonymous said...

I need a dress like this one in my life! I guess you were apprehensive about the boobies after ole' girl was exposing hers, lol! Made you feel like you needed to cover yours up after you were violated! Lol It can be a very uncomfortable feeling! Heck I don't want to watch a family member breastfeeding with a towel, let alone a stranger all exposed! That is a bit much for church, lol! #stuffpeopledo! Yep I am a hashtag junkie! Off to add you, just remembered youre request. I can't add folks from the bb for some reason, have to get online from the laptop! Go figure! Another reason why I need a new phone, lol.

Ms. Tee said...

Love this outfit! That lady should have covered herself up in church. I don't think it's weird you clicked with your neighbor...wish I could find one like that to become friends with!

Audrey...Miss Moon's Musings said...

Not to sound stalker-ish, but I can totally get how someone would want to hang out with you from jump, because you're dope! :)

Full Figured Diva said...
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Full Figured Diva said...

Love that dress..and I heart your hair! You look great!

TrendySocialite said...

I love this look! I have a red dress that's a bit too red (my sorors would kill me if they knew I said that LOL). But this is a way to wear it and break up the red. Thanks as always for the inspiration!



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