Sunday, April 17, 2011

In The Fashionista's Closet: Risky Business

This dress looks innocent enough, right? I've had it since January but finally brought it out  on a warm Sunday morning to go to church.

I didn't look at the weather report and today was a windy day here in Dallas. And the ruffles on the dress are not sewn to each other so I was afraid of exposing myself while walking from the parking lot into church. 

But thankfully the shuttle was there to transport me to the front of the church and I didn't have to walk. I didn't want to chance it and rode the shuttle back to my car as well.

Right after church I stopped at the little corner store in the neighborhood to buy me some old school Now & Laters. (Now Laters is actually what I say.)

As I was walking into the store, the wind blew my dress up.

Not just a little bit either. It was like a tornado, every ruffle was going every which way and of course I screamed and was trying to hold the ruffles down down but by then everyone in and around the store was looking at me.

Dress: Vintage
Sash belt: Gap
Bracelets: Assorted
Clutch: Cannot remember (I think Aldo)
Shoes: Guess

I thank God for Spanx...

I loved loved my hair today, full and fluffy! Product Review hair post coming soon....


Mellodee said...

I rarely wear one, but on windy days with a full skirt I'm very glad God invented half-slips!! :)

The Purse-a-holic said...

Yikes! on the dress up. But u gotta be honest, its a gorgeous dress lol.

A Girl's Next Best Friend

GFS said...

Phenomenal! Simply phenomenal!!

Anonymous said...

That dress is gorg! Love the bag and shoes too.

Angie R.

Manecoarse said...

That is such a gorgeous dress. Love the way you paired it with red shoes.

Olivia said...

Hahahahahahahaaha! That's totally happened to me before. Only mine was outside a bar and I was wearing a thong...sorry guys!

Unknown said...

That dress is divine! Wait? There is an ampersand in Now & Later? lol! I call it "Now Laters" too.

Anonymous said...

:) Why is it that I know I am going to get a laugh out of your post? That has happened to me a time or two! Lol I love the dress and the color combinations! You are opening my eyes! We say nownlaters here in GA! Yes, country I know! :)

Unknown said...

love the dress, I can imagine the fear when the wind blows it and you think the whole world have seen your undies.

ps. by the way, you are featured on In Style April 2011 magazine. The one where Tina Faye is on the cover....its page 75 I believe.

GFS said...

When we have our official SFAM photoshoot...we need to bust out the ruffle dresses! That will be so cute!

Nekiah Torres said...

Oh my word! The same thing happened to me getting out of the car for work! So embarrassing but I too had on SPANX!! lol I love this dress! BEAUTIFUL! Kiah

Katie Mac said...

Hello Yellow…beautiful dress!

Nika said...

Love your dress, you look STUNNING!!!

COAFW said...

Loving the yellow

P.S. I love this... said...

You look so pretty.

Prissy said...

Love this look!!! I also love the colorblocking!! Too cute!


Key said...

There's just something about yellow, and your look is perfect, love it!

Anonymous said...

Lovely dress. Innocent-looking too. :-)

Virginia's Daughter said...

Funny story about your dress which is waaaaay to cute by the way! "NowLaters" oh how I remember them! Watermelon was my fave! It wasn't until I was a grown woman, and I too made a trip to the corner store to grab a pack (seems that corner stores are the ONLY ones who sell them), that I realized that they are actually called Now & Laters. It's written right on the is suppose to: "Eat some NOW AND save some for LATER." I know right! Thanks for the memory! Too funny!

Ms. Tee said...

Cute dress! I could just imagine you screaming as the dress blew up!

Megs said...

Here is what I have been wondering, how many skirt vs. wind flashings can you get away with before it becomes a "you know that you know better and now you are just bein indecent" situation? Because I wear a lot of dresses and skirts and there have been more wind/flashing situations than I care to admit to right now.

Unknown said...

That dress is so beautiful on that color girl:-)

ChicLeVogue said...

Love the dress!!! Absolutely gorgeous. And your hair. Please do a product review on what you used ;)

Abby said...

LOVE the yellow, Love the dress!

LV said...

That is a gorgeous dress! Yellow looks so good on you and i love how your dress looks with the red shoes.

Ife' said...

Tee-hee! Girl, I can just imagine! I have definitely been there. Just accept it as your very own Marylin Monroe moment.

That dress is gorgeous! If you decide the ruffles are too much for you and you wanna sell it on SFAM, I got you! Lol! #ImJustSayin

(oh, and shout out to Now'laters. Lol!)

Anonymous said...

Simply Gorgeous!

Julie Khuu | Haute Khuuture said...

Hahahah that's what hotpants are for babe! Nevertheless, it's still a stunningly beautiful dress and color made even more gorgeous against your coloring...Ahhhh, the things we sacrifice for fashion...At least you looked fab even in the midst of the wardrobe malfunction ;D

Btw, Haute Khuuture just celebrated her 1st birthday so I'm sponsoring a HUGE giveaway, would love to see you stop by when you get the chance :D

Happy Monday!


Haute Khuuture Blog

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love this yellow dress!!!!! And I love how you paired it with red pumps. Now Laters (I call them that too. LOL)are soooo good!

Unknown said...

you look AH-MAY-ZING in yellow! seriously. so gorgeous! <3

Toria said...

Sorry to hear about your dress mishap. That has happened to me a couple times! =/

It's a very pretty dress...and your hair DOES look pretty!

Jessie @ Style and Pepper said...

preeetteeeeeeeee!!! i LOVE this dress and you look fabulous in it, dear!


Fierce Fabulous Fit said...

Total bummer that your dress blew up, but it's absolutely beautiful! I love the color on you, too! At least it didn't happen AT church! ;) Looks great, and totally worth the risk of flashing. haha!


Sauniya said...

i seriously love your style.. this outfit is so great :) following xo



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