Wednesday, May 25, 2011

In The Fashionista's Closet: Flashdance

I wore this ensemble to the launch of Tha After Party radio show at Vapiano's in Mockingbird station. I felt like a cross between Jennifer Beals' character in Flashdance and my fave girl, Carrie Bradshaw but Carrie would have probably added a big flower pin but I didn't think of that until just this very minute.

I felt very "me" in this outfit.
Earrings: Forever 21
Crop tee: Ross
Silk skirt: Thrifted
Clutch: Rummage sale
Shoes: Steve Madden Luxe via DSW

Is it weird that a kid in the thrift store was blowing incessantly into one of those little flute/recorder things and I found him in the store and had him give it to his dad so he would give me some peace and the kid did it?

The kid was screeching it up for about ten minutes while I was there until I found the culprit the kid and his dad and asked him if the kid could stop making noise and the dad said he totally understood.

The kid walked up to me as I was talking to his dad and told me his name was Isaiah. I said hi and asked  Isaiah if his dad was going to buy him the toy. He said yes and I told him he should give it to his dad until they left the store. The kid said "Ok" and gave it up without a fight.

I think I'm gonna call myself "The Kid Whisperer".

I told this incident to some other people and they couldn't believe that the dad didn't get angry or that the kid didn't balk at not being able to play with the toy. I think it was because I was nice to the kid and the dad but still got my point across.

It is a weird thing but kids, especially small children, are always drawn to me. I don't think it's because I think I'm particularly fun-loving, I consider myself firm but I will engage them and interact with them. And it doesn't matter where I go, kids will look at me, smile at me and talk to me. I don't know what that is, maybe they sense that I'm a big kid at heart.

About four years ago I was having a terrible morning, like crying, had an argument with my boyfriend, running late, didn't like my outfit kind of morning. I worked at a court at that time and I was going into my office I saw the cutest little girl, who looked to be about two years old there with her mom.
The little girl smiled at me. I smiled back. She reached out to me with her arms outstretched and said
"Give me a hug!" just as bold and proud as you please.

I looked at her mom who nodded her consent and that little girl gave me the sweetest little hug. She made my
day a whole lot brighter. I truly believe that she was placed in my path on that day to give me that hug.

The Kid Whisperer. I should have my own show on OWN.


Anonymous said...

You have the best narratives with your pics! Love the outfit, i need that skirt in my life.

Angie R.

Prissy said...

Loving your style (as usual)! You're making me wanna break out all my midi skirts. Are you wearing a crinoline underneath this one?



Juanette said...

Thank you ladies!

@Prissy, no crinoline underneath the skirt, it's just full like that. I really heart it!

Anonymous said...

i love the oufit. The shoes are going with me in my dreams tonight. But (and i just want to say that i am by no means crticizing) it looks like you are not wearing a bra and that may have been the reason why daddy was so nice. Just sayin! ;)

Unknown said...

i love off the shoulder! i have turned even my lounging tees and fave college hoodie into off-the-shoulder tops, so FLASHDANCE AWAY!

Nekiah Torres said...

Girl you look FANTASTIC!! I absolutely adore that skirt with that cropped top! You look amazing in all things with a decollete because you have the most beautiful neck and shoulders I've ever seen! It seems you may have a gift....sending Makayla your way!!! lol Love that clutch and your shoes are Fabulous BOO!! Kiah

Style & Poise said...

Another outfit that I absolutely adore! Everything about this outfit is perfect!


Juanette said...

lol @Jayla, I didn't wear this to the thrift store and I did wear a bra to the function that I went to (you can see the outline in the first pic) but I didn't have the bra on when I took my pics but did wear my nip covers. Good eye though!

t olugbala said...

i love that clutch sis!!! i just saw your feature on style pantry and your style is bomb.

Anonymous said...

seriously lmbo! I really thought daddy was watchin what ur workin with. Silly me! I should have known you had more class than that. *SMH*

ShaBoogiesince1982 said...

The clutch! The clutch! Give me the clutch!

Juanette said...

@Jayla: Too much class? Well I don't know about all that, lol!

Economy of Style said...

Loving the style!! By the way, I wish I had you around to intervene when kids in unusual places get a tad over excited.

Unknown said...

Love this look!!! I think I'm the baby magnet...little babies see me and want to lay on me...then I get baby fever.:(

GFS said...

Okay.....this is some bs. All these people leaving all these nice comments about your outfit.

Oh...that's cute. Aww, I love your Flashdance look.


Juanette is lying! SHE IS LYING! SHE IS LYINGGGG! That shirt is fantabulous! But she's had it!

Those shoes...awesome...but she's had them!

I am here to tell the truth to all of the readers! All who will listen!

Juanette hides her clothes from herself and says she has nothing!

I can't take it anymore! Speak the truth! You have everything in your closet! You just wait til next month when I get to your house! I'm exposing it all!

*snickers off*

Lynaya said...

I'm also a teacher (heeyyy!) and I love this kid whisperer thing. Your shoulders look fab and the big purse goes well with the volume of the skirt.

House of Brooke said...

"Kid Whispererrere" we need a theme some to go with it.
We (Educators) are d'best! It is something about us!

Love the outfit and sooo love the shoes!!

Jennifer S. said...

cute outfit! I love that statement clutch!!


Dee O. said...

There are TOO many things I love about this post!!! Your hair is so gorgeous and your outfit is so banging! I neeeed that clutch in my life! :)


shopnowsavelater said...

have i ever told you how much i like that clutch? its so unique looking and over sized!
love the skirt lady, especially the lemony like color of it!Right away i could tell that its silk! silk pieces always has this look to them! I love anything silk!

And lastly those shoes are banging! they add some pizzaz to the ooutfit! i love it all!

Audrey...Miss Moon's Musings said...

::deeps sighs::: Love it!!!

the nyanzi report said...

beautiful indeed!

Ms. Tee said...

Hey Kid Whisperer! :)

I love that story - just goes to show some kids are still respectable...and I bet the little girl was adorable!

I adore your shoes and I'm feeling the off-the-shoulder action!

Anonymous said...

I love that bag. Super cute. That's how kids are with me...maybe that's why I am a teacher LOL

Corie said...

I am in love with this outfit! It's not overly done, the skirt is really pretty, and I want that clutch!


keren said...

My goodness! You look beautiful and that clutch is stunning.

Ciaa said...

you look fabulous !!!

Fola said...

your clutch is AMAZING!

Mz More said...

OMG. I LOVE that clutch!

Tima said...

You look so lovely and chic!! I happen to be like that with kids as well. No matter what, whenever a child gets into my arms they fall asleep. It never fails.

Editor & Chic

gen321 said...

I am crying with envy over that clutch! *storms off to have temper tantrum*

High Heels & Good Meals! said...

Too funny, the kid whisperer. HAHA. I love that clutch and you definitely have the Carrie Bradshaw thing down.

Like Mousse Au Chocolat said...

wooow that clutch. I´m in love... !!!
Miss I put you to my BlogRoll :) lOVE your Blog and your sense of style, keep it up !!

Nothingordinarystyle said...

Do you think you can come to Florida and whisper to my 5 yr old Lol!! I love this look you are killing the one shoulder look missy, and I heart that clutch and everything about it, the color, the size, it's Haute.

Ariel B said...

Love this look. That clutch is so amazing. I need that clutch in my life.

Anonymous said...

That story is too sweet! My husband is a kid whisperer himself. I really think it's some kind of gift some people have, and I'm not one of them. ;)

Unknown said...

lmooo, I can just picture the incident vividly, both you and the dad handled it well. Love the shoes and off the shoulder top.

Fashion Guru said...

you look amazing. im truly inspired

Ife' said...

I am so behind with commenting on your blog. FYI, I get it via email so I'm always stalkin even if you don't here from me...

and ummm I am TAKING NOTES because this here outfit will be copied. Mmm hmmm, it sure will! Don't say I didn't warn you :)

Kerissa said...

You look so purdie in this look! I just need someone to point me to a cropped top that I can rock...waiting...waiting
Can you teach my classes for a few weeks this school year with all that love you have for the kiddos, lol?
I'm glad the incident had a positive turnout because parents these days...ummm hummm :(

DaBlackSjp said...

What else?

Unknown said...

That is so touching, especially when a little kid makes your day. I love that clutch, I want it, lol!



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