Thursday, September 01, 2011

In The Fashionista's Closet: Sir Mix-A-Lot

I sent Reiko a pic of me in this outfit and she texted me back to stop playing in my closet and put on what I was really going to wear. I told her I was wearing it and had in fact already left the house. I went to a friend's surprise birthday party and my friend was see me in something form fitting. I'm trying to change it up a little...

Tank: Forever 21
Necklaces: Chain belts, vintage pendant necklace
Skirt: Forever 21 (It was six bucks!)
Bangles: H&M
Clutch: DSW
Shoes: Steve Madden Luxe 

I attended a pool party on Saturday night and there was a drunk guy who kept trying to get my number.
Every other sentence was peppered with "Know what I'm saying?" but came out sounding like "Naah im sayen?" and no, I really didn't know what he was saying.

We had the following exchange:

Him: Yeah, you look real classy. Like superstar status. I think we on the same level, naah im sayen?
Me: Ummmm kaaaayyy....
Him: I ain't trying to brag or nuthin but this hat cost a hunnad fitty dollars. It's called a buck fitty.
Me: Does it DO something? (There was a big face watch on the hat with rhinestones around it.) Does the watch WORK?
Him: Naw, it's a Chi-town thang, naah im sayen?
*awkward silence*

*And an extra side eye to the people who always want to point out that "they ain't from here."

Me: "Ok, well we're about to go..."
Him: You go to church?
Me: Yes.
Him: I KNEW there was a glow around you, naah im sayen?

*Insert another awkward silence*

WHO KNEW that there was a glow around you when you attended church??? Did yall know that? Maybe it's common knowledge and you get the glow with Communion. I told my friend that I should have told him that I was glowing because I was pregnant....

I added this pic because I was dared to...


Unknown said...

You are look amazing!

Audrey...Miss Moon's Musings said...

::DEAD:: @ "Does it DO something?" Bwahahahahahahahaaaaaa!!!!!!!

P.S. - I <3 the expression on your face in the last photo. It's like "Oops! I'm booty tootin'! Whoopsies!" LOL

GFS said...


Not only did you wear the outfit! But you posted it!



GFS said...

And SFAM is officialy dissolved because your ass went to H&M without me! You were supposed to wait!

mrsjarette said...

Love your hair and that stripe skirt is too cute .... 6 bucks is a steal!

ChocolateOrchid said...

Hahaha!!! Love the conversation.
And the outfit is cute.

Mellodee said...

It's a great outfit for this HEAT! You look cool in the best possible way. :)

BESOS LYNN said...

How gracious of you to have entertained that painful conversation, ouch! That is the world coming too! Great outfit and your hiar looks great too!

Unknown said...

I'm dying at this post! LMAO!! na'am sayin'?!?! lol! I hate that with some guys, learn to VERBALIZE. use adjectives, nouns, pronouns and stop all that extra shit( that was extra of me) like "na'am sayin" and putting "man" at the end and beginning of every sentence. "Man, you look so"....I'm not a man or your man.

you didn't give him your number did you. That skirt was cute and "SHAWT" lol!

Anonymous said...

Uhm #1 when I need a good laugh why do I always end up here? :) #2 why Reiko gotta be talking about SFAM is dissolved, lol. #3 you rocked that outfit. I immediately thought about Reiko with the striped skirt/dress:) #4 I am gonna need your boo to get it together with all that crazy talk. I was born in Chitown, but grew up in the ATL and I don't know anybody like HIM! LOL You meet the craziest folk! LMAO You should write a book:)

Lynaya said...

I love this change of pace. You look lovely.

Style & Poise said...

I am digging this look on you..Kudos for trying something looks GREAT! Love the pop of yellow with that fab clutch! Your interaction with the drunk guy was too!


LA Lynn's said...

Change is good & you look GREAT doing it!!!! Loving the HAIR & Clutch... you are glowing hunni!!!! lol

Bahati Belle said...

Hehehe oh that tickled my fanny, hello fashion nette I'm new to your blog. Great style and sense of humor. Sending love from Chicago!!!

I wanna be fierce said...

Stopppp. No he did not say "I knew there was a glow around you". On a another note you look adorable. Loving the look.


Chilel Aissitou said...

I can't stop laughing..should have taken a pic of the hat and all. I love your outfit too, simple yet chic. Reiko and You make me wanna buy a striped fab!

Nekiah Torres said...

You know what Juanette!! I can't come to your blog while I'm at work EVA again!! lol I am dying laughing out loud reading this! Girl you know you got that annointing all ova you!! bwahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh HILARIOUS!! Love that skirt! Wit yo fine self! We need to do lunch! Kiah

Moni @ CL Journal said...

Girl, please tell me that you made this conversation up. I cannot believe that in the 21st Century men are still ending a conversation with "naah im sayen?" OMG! That went out with Flava Flav back in the '90's!

I'll never forget in the mid-'90's we were driving on the NJ Turnpike going to work in NYC. Flav and Ed Lover were on the radio were they were morning hosts for Hot 97. Flav was telling a story but must have said "naah im sayen" at least 30 times in a minute. Ed finally lost it and said "Naw man I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU SAYIN, cause you haven't SAID IT YET!!!"

We had to pull over on the shoulder of the turnpike cause we were laughing so hard...

Ms. Tee said...

Looking fab! Very chic!

That dialogue between you and ole boy from Chicago is hilarious! He is a cornball! He needs to stop trying to so hard with those lame pick up lines. Apparently the glow comes from that halo over your head...LOL.

Fashion Means Everything said...

love your skirt

High Heels & Good Meals! said...

HAHAHA! Heck naw!!! That's hilarious...Naah im sayen?!!! The fitting attire looks great on you! Love the hair!

Toria said...

LOL! Hilarious!!

Jo said...

that's the perfect outfit for a pool party!

ahaha I had a funny experience with a guy hitting on my on the subway the other day - he didn't speak proper English, or French, or Spanish or anything that I do speak and he kept saying "You want me, friend for you?"

following, I love your blog!

jo from

Unknown said...

loooool, that songs never ceases to entertain me. I like the form fitted skirt, have similar style from ASOS.

misss_e said...


Tanvi said...

You look AWESOME!!! :) Love the outfit!

♡ from ©

Unknown said...

You are hilarious!!!



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