Tuesday, November 15, 2011

In The Fashionista's Closet: "Check" Me Out

I moseyed my way to Houston this past weekend to laugh and hug on my SFAM Reiko. Last week was a hectic, difficult week at work and there's nothing like knowing you can get away and have a good time with one (or two) of your favorite people!

We laughed, we styled, we conquered!

Sunglasses: Pitaya 
Blue plaid shirts: one thrifted and gifted from Reiko, one thrifted by me
Skirt: Arden B
Bag: Kooba

Have you ever known someone who pushed you out of your comfort zone (in a good way)? That's Reiko.

She looked at the (many) items I brought with me and put this outfit together. And I enjoyed it.

And now because of her, I have a new appreciation for lemondrop martinis (OMG I'm in love) and pork chop parmigiana!

Who says you can't meet great people on the internet? Lol!


7eventh Letter said...

I love how you paired the two plaid shirts together. That is so cool. I wanna try that!

7eventh Letter

Kimberly said...

Loving the big gingham over the small gingham - - so genius!!

Audrey...Miss Moon's Musings said...

I love the outfit pairing and as always, your sunglasses make me ::drool::!! LOL

lalaG said...

you look fab as usual.
love the green skirt!

GFS said...

I enjoy this look and post the most:)

I'm so glad you came to hang with the FOSHEADS:)

I really die for this two shirt look.

Natalie Garza said...

I'm loving this combination. You've inspired me to mix green and blue soon. It's looks amazing on you!

~elisa~ said...

Love it! Especially the color of the skirt!

Just letting you know, you've been featured on my 'Monday Maven' post from Monday. Thanks again!

much love,


Ashley said...

I love your bag & skirt!

Unknown said...

I would have never have paired the shirt and skirt together and it looks fantastic on you! Love it!

lemondrop martinis? Mmmmm :)


Brown English Muffin said...

I'm in love with this style...so free...so me!

Brown English Muffin said...

oh i found you over at Ah...Me So Hongry! blog sorry I forgot to say!

The Low Country Socialite said...

wow, followed you from Reiko's post! so glad i did! Like your style! Great blog, I'm definitely following you! I hope you'll visit my blog and follow me too! :o)


Unknown said...

You look so laid back and chic!!!

Lena's Blend said...

It's an unexpected pairing but it looks great...love the color and drape of the skirt.




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