Monday, July 23, 2012

Pajama Jam!

I scored these pants from the thrift store. I think they are pajamas. But I don't care. They make me feel like I'm on vacation in a tropical location. Or one of those ladies who lunches. Which is where I wore them. To lunch, not a tropical vacation...*sigh*...

Things I learned last week (or was reminded of):

Top: H&M
Pants: Thrifted
Bracelets: InPink/Forever 21
Bag: Prada
Shoes: Micahel Kors

1. How to smoke a cigar - It was enjoyable, had a thoroughly entertaining evening and I didn't get sick!

2. Bisuits still abound - I think that God is trying to teach me a lesson in patience in dealing with flaky people, I just place them in their designated "biscuit" category and keep it moving.

 3. People's motives have a way of being revealed and working themselves out...I just continue being me.
4. The thrift store is still the best place to find uniquely fabulous items! #NoDuplicates

5. I would rather be told that I'm funny and smart rather than pretty....but that doesn't hurt either...


Justme_Kellie said...

Yes, you did score on those pants, too cute!! And you are so right on #3 it all works out in sooner or later!

Ticka said...

Welp, you're funny, smart AND pretty, along with a host of other fabulous adjectives that I don't have the time to list out (stylish being one of them).

I am a huge fan of wearing what makes you feel good. You did exactly that. The print on the pants is really pretty, and I love the neon pink accents on the top.

P.S. I love this... said...

You look fab, as usual.

Quick question.. do you work out? Your arms are so toned.

Juanette said...

Thank you ladies! @P.S. yes I do workout, thank you for noticing! I was considering a workout post before your question so stay tuned for a workout related post soon!

BESOS LYNN said...

They look very Lilly Pulitzer-esque??? I have a skirt with a similar pattern. Also, from the thrift store. No tag?...

Unknown said...

You is smart, you is funny and you is pretty!


Juanette said...

Lynn, I thought the same thing! Nope, no tag.

@LBDH lmao, thank you!!!

Ms. Tee said...

Love those pants! I had my first cigar this past weekend...I enjoyed it! Now I would like to try an authentic Cuban one. I agree with you about finding the best deals by thrifting!

Bahati Belle said...

So. Cute. I scored a pair of flowery pants from the thrift as well and once I looked up the designer they are PJ's but.......fashionette has given me permission to rock them as she did. fly honey!!

Kyla said...

Love this. Surprising no one, I'm sure. I may have even squeed a bit when I saw that touch of pink on the tank.

Marisa-Andrea said...

Those pants are extra cute and listen, I will wear some pajama pants as regular pants and NOT CARE.

I agree that thrifting is next to gold. I'm in the Los Angeles area and recently discovered an amazing vintage store that is literally like candyland for dresses.




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