Thursday, August 15, 2013

Back To School Guide 2013

My last post before I am called back to work and I must admit that I feel some kind of way (in spite of my fabulous top from DPipertwins!)

I love the school district that I work in, I have enjoyed my time here but I was hoping for a different campus assignment this year. But I feel that God places you where you are meant to be and I have to trust that this is all a part of His plan. Even when you can't see the purpose in the plan as of now.

I have a few helpful tips for parents before school begins
 (or you can feel free to incorporate these if your student has already started school.)

Don't get mad if your child's teacher calls or emails you about their behavior. If I call you, that means I have to stop what I'm doing during class or make myself write it on a sticky note to "Call Mocha'latte's mother" about whatever has happened in class that day. It's not because I do not like your child but it is because your sweet little one is disrupting my classroom in some way and has not responded to previous warnings or consequences. Teachers normally call as a last resort in the hopes of changing the behavior. But I also call when I have good news to report or send home Good News notes so that you know I am not out to get your precious son, Willie. (Do people even name kids Willie anymore?)

If your child tells you that they do not have homework THEY ARE LYING. I assign homework at least twice a week but it burns me up when a parent tells me that lil Tore'Nay'Doe says that he doesn't have homework whenever they ask him. 
Ummmmmm...your kid is Stevie J.'ing you right now. 
The truth ain't in'em about this homework situation. 

There is no conspiracy from teachers to keep your child's school supplies. Well, none that I know of anyway. I have read on Facebook about parents complaining that their child had to turn in all of their school supplies to their teacher on the first day of school. Ummm, are they supposed to keep them in their backpacks all year? I take up my students' school supplies because some students will use every scrap of paper, lose every pencil, and break every map pencil all within the first week of school and then tell me every day that they need a pencil or paper from then until the last day of school.

I also give my students whatever school supplies they have left at the end of the year but about half of them don't even want them back.

A parent/teacher relationship is not adversarial, we are on the same team. That includes saying things in front of the kids because they're gonna tell it, good or bad. In fact, whatever you say or do at home may be repeated at school and even though I won't say anything, I am side eyeing you because your son told the class that you like to bite your toenails off with your teeth. 

Yes. That really happened. In real life.

Glasses: Warby Parker
Bracelets:InPink/Forever 21
Shorts: DIY Levi's cutoffs
Bag: Prada
Shoes: Steve Madden

(Shoutout to Reiko for taking my pics and 
sharing one of her fave picture taking spots!)

So there it is folks, tips for a successful year. Here's to hoping that everyone who is in education or has kiddos has a fabulous school year filled with lots of learning, teaching and life experience. I can truly say that I have had an awesome summer vacation and am looking forward to accomplishing my personal and professional goals this school year. Are there any tips that I left out?


Anonymous said...

Ya killing me with those names. My son's name is William, named after my grandfather Willie, LOL. Your hair is giving me life I swear.

Regina Fletcher said... forgot about little Donaldnisha..(I actually know a girl who named her daughter this...and yes I'm in your posts are always a highlight in my day! The shirt and hair...fierce!

Ticka said...

Yes Lawd!! These kids be actin up and these parents be lettin'em!!

One more tip. Parents GET INVOLVED & not only when your child has to be snatched up. Be involved in the little things. The good things. If you have a good relationship with the teacher because he/she knows that you care, it will make those conversations about the not-so-good times much easier. And your child will understand that they can't pull the wool over your eyes and pit you against the teacher because you and Mrs. Williams are already tight like that. Works for me!! :)

That's my two cents.

And GUUUUURRRLLLL I love the colors in that top! They really pop against your skin!

Candice said...

You look amazing, and I love the hair!

Unknown said...

so done with you. lmao!

shopnowsavelater said...

love this simple but loud outfit all at the #SAMEDAMNTIME!

Unknown said...

Very cute outfit, really love that shirt!!

LOL!! What you said needs to be printed out and given out at orientation because some parents. I'm not a teacher and I feel for you all!!

Carsedra McKoy

Unknown said...

Very pretty your blouse.

Unknown said...

Uuuummmmmm, so you know I need you to drive down to bring me that top, right?

Unknown said...

Thank you for these tips once my kids are in grade school hahahah

Very cute hair and shirt!

YoyosFashions said...

Lmbo!! Love your top!!

Ms. Tee said...

Geat advice! I agree with all if it...especially the first two points. I think you covered the basics, but if I think of any other essential rule, I shall Hope you have a good first week back...I return the last week of August but will probably go in a couple of days next week since teacher week never seems to be enough...

LOVE that top and your hair looks fab!

Unknown said...

this blog is excellent love anything on fashion
embroidered clothing

his_girl_friday said...

Good advice!

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