
Sunday, July 25, 2010

In The Fashionista's Closet: Maxi-mum Cool

Anyone who has seen me multiple times this summer (or last) may think to themselves "She surely loves that dress" and that is because I do! I don't have to iron it, it's long (I enjoy long dresses) and it has what? *All together now*.... POCKETS! My friend Sonya and I saw this dress and I urged her to try it on but she said it wasn't her style so I tried it on and had to get it. It is surprisingly cool even on warmer days and I can throw on boots, my denim jacket or a cardigan in the cooler temps. I wore the jacket because we were inside most of the day and took it off outside so I wouldn't pass out in this Texas heat.

In other news, I have been extremely frustrated and irritated with the way that things are going lately. I made a plan of what I wanted to do and how I would achieve it and all kinds of wrenches, pliers and screwdrivers have been thrown into the plan. (AND I also decided to give up bread for two weeks so I'm sure that plays a huge factor in my irritable-ness.) I know that this is a temporary situation with long term results so I am looking forward to sharing my testimony after surviving the test. I am obtaining my alternative certification to teach and will be eligible to teach once school begins but have to survive until then. I call this "my summer of living dangerously" because there has been no back-up plan or wealthy benefactor, just my jewelry sales and awesome friends and family helping me to realize my dream. You never know what you can live without until you have to. And although I get anxious sometimes, I believe that if I stay focused, things will come to fruition.

"Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing." James 1:2-4

So if you get a moment, please send a kind thought or prayer my way or if you're so inclined, send a check, I am not averse to donations at this point!

*I will still continue my personal shopping, styling business and will continue to sell jewelry and host fashion events so if you are interested in one or all, please let me know.*

AND now back to our regularly scheduled program.....

But THIS makes me happy:

This is Star. She sat next to me at training and looked cute while doing so. I couldn't stop staring at her ring and fab shoes!


  1. hope to see you in a school near you love teaching? do you like kids?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. @Tam, yes I do love teaching and kids, I've worked with kids for over 6 years but it was always in the justice system so after I began subbing I realized that I loved being on the education end of the spectrum. I figure if I could enjoy and survive subbing then I could definitely excel in the classroom! Thanks!

  4. Anonymous12:02 AM

    I love those shoes! Good luck:)


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