
Wednesday, July 21, 2010

In The Fashionista's Closet: Summer Stripes

Confession: I was late to my training this morning because I was watching the Good Times episode when T.C., a tomboy, had a crush on J.J. and got a makeover so that J.J. would notice her. Reiko over at God's Favorite Shoes and I were just discussing this very episode so I had to see the "new" T.C. to check out what she was wearing. Loved her dress and Willona's kimono top in this ep but I wonder if this would be considered an excused absence for the sake of fashion? *I did make a promise to be early tomorrow to offset my tardiness today.

What I wore:

Blue and white striped shirtdress: Thrifted
Belt: Cannot remember
Handbag: Prada
Brown sandals: Dillards can't remember the brand

Wore my hair in a side puff for something different, I liked it!


  1. Love the sway of the dress! Very polished and pretty! And you're rockin' that side poof, Ms. 'Nette!

  2. you go girl. love the vintage dress and the poof.

  3. I watched that episode of Good Times this morning too, even though I've seen it a thousand times. I have got to have pockets, they seal the deal everytime for me too.

  4. I love that episode!

    I am really sad that I was with you when you got that dress because I would have forced my big boobs in them!

    I loveth this whole package with all thy heart and all thy soul!

  5. Love the side puff...I've been rocking that a lot this summer! I remember seeing a dress similar to that back in the suddenly seems so fresh and modern. Thanks for renewing my love of all things thrifted and vintage!


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