Tuesday, October 26, 2010

In The Fashionista's Closet: I'm a Big Kid Now!

The staff got to wear jeans to school yesterday to support the United Way. For the small fee of $1. Hmmmm, I smell a racket but I wasn't going to pass up a chance to wear jeans. (I'm snickering as I type this because if you know me or follow this blog you know I am in dresses 95 percent of the time!)

I went and worked out this morning. (Yep, that's me patting myself on the back.)

I wanted to share a recent thrift find since it may be a while until I wear it:

 Love the glasses!

The Back

Have a fun day!


Mellodee said...

There was a time I would have paid a lot more than $1 to wear jeans to work!! LOL!! (Have I mentioned that I'm older than dirt??)

Cute dress, too!

GFS said...

Oh you fancy huh!?!?

I see you with your photoshoots on location! And that thrifted dress....SCORE!

Dhalia Edwards said...

lol at GFS...you two are are so cute. You look great.


Tonia Lee Smith said...

I love the blouse and the cardigan combo.



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