
Sunday, October 31, 2010

Versatile Blogger Award!

I was nominated for a Versatile Blogger Award by Leslie over at Fashion DuJour Daily! This chick is the cutest thing EVAH and she has a wonderful spirit as well. (She is my friend in my head, I've never actually met her but after I discovered her blog I went back and looked at ALL of her blog posts. I have a tendency to be quite anal in that way. (shut up, Reiko!)

So according to the rules I have to share 7 things about myself (I'm guessing they need to be true) and then pass the award on to 15 other bloggers who deserve recognition. Whew, that's a lot of bloggers, but here we go!

1. I love candy. Any type of sweet is my friend.Unfortunately for me I also need to visit the dentist quite often.

2. I imagine myself running a marathon and bought running shoes last year and actually went jogging once or twice. Okay, full disclosure, it was more walking than running. Get off my back, I am now actually using my shoes by running on the treadmill in the mornings before work. My dad is a marathon runner and will be here in December to run the White Rock Marathon and I will be cheering him on from the sidelines.

3. I am a nostalgia fanatic. If you're a regular reader you know of my love for Good Times, Diana Ross and the 50's and 70's eras. I think that is why I love vintage clothes so much, they have a story to tell. I always wonder who wore it and when. Anything that reminds me of my childhood I love. I say get these kids the old school toys that we played with, no video games. Operation, Connect Four, Hungry Hungry Hippos. Etch a Sketch! I watched "It's the Great Pumpkin, Crarlie Brown" the other night and got upset with my mom because she didn't call and remind me that it was coming on tv.

4. I want someone to throw me a surprise party. Like seriously, where I have no idea that I am getting a party and people jump out and yell surprise and I cry because I'm so shocked and overjoyed. The whole nine yards. I had a boyfriend throw me a 'surprise' birthday party in high school but I figured it out pretty easily and I think the people that came only wanted an excuse to (underage) drink. Strawberry Hill,anyone?

5. I am constantly making lists or taking notes. I love any type of cutesy notebooks or stationery and I make lists of things to do, things to look up online, I take notes in church every Sunday as if it's a college lecture (I like to go back and revisit during the week), and wishlists of clothes/accessories. Again, I am anal that way. *I said shut UP Reiko!*

6. I won't date a man that does not vote. I think that it is the LEAST you can do, voting is a privilege that everyone should exercise but if you choose not to, you do not get the right to complain about anything that deals with government. Also, I like to discuss political goings on and if you don't keep up then I can't deal with you. You can watch ESPN all you want to but I need you to watch some CNN also. MSNBC, George Stephanopoulus, something. ...I refuse to watch Keith Olbermann after he said on The View that he doesn't vote. So please come correct if you want to take me out. And please have a job. (Thanks.)

7. I secretly watch tv shows that I wouldn't dare admit to watching. 'K-Ci and JoJo Come Clean', Lisa Raye: 'The Real McCoy', Omarosa's show 'The Ultimate Merger.' More like The Ultimate Corniness, that fake LV logo backdrop killed me every time. But yes I watched, but let's keep it just between you and me......But I still won't watch the Real Housewives of Atlanta. A girl's got to draw the line somewhere. I.just.can' 

As for the 15 bloggers, I will just pass this on to anyone who wants to respond in the comments section and would like some love for their blog. I'm not even sure that I KNOW 15 bloggers, lol. Thanks Leslie!


  1. Why are you calling me up? I didn't say nothing...about your love for soulful old school games and the constant list making!

    BTW, I've never had a surprise party either but it's because I'm way too clever and would figure it out pretty early on!

  2. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Ok, you know me (now you do anyway...hi I'm Cathy aka rastagalnj aka Minister of Style) I love your blog, I discovered you through Reiko's blog and you have wonderful style! Hmm, I don't know if I can come up with 7 more things people didn't know about me since I already did FF post last week but I'll try to come close. here goes
    1. I am a closeted entertainer, I sing, dance and act but no one has ever seen my performances. I actually can sing but haven't sang to perform in years.
    2. I am a loner for the most part. Most of my social interra ction comes from social networks such as FB, Twitter and a few other forums I am a part of. I am friendly but kind of standoffish in person until you get to know me.
    3. If I believed in reincarnation, I would come back as a dog. Sweet and cuddly but will totally bite you if you cross the line.
    4. I am a Law and Order: Special Victims Unit stan, will watch it morning, noon and night....gotta love, Olivia, Eliiot, Much and Tutuola.
    Won't bore yall with anymore plus I can't think, I'm hungry.

  3. LOL @ the Boone's Farm reference! Apple flavored wine products, yum. hahaha

  4. are talking about and I'm glad that I got the chance to see all.I will ensure that I bookmark your blog and definitely will come back at some point. I want to encourage you to ultimately continue your great posts, have a nice weekend! I am satisfied to locate numerous

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Y'all know I love to hear from you so speak on it! And don't be stingy, share my blog with your friends!