
Monday, November 01, 2010

I Want A Do Over!

Do you ever feel that the way that you dress is not actually really who your ARE? I feel that way a lot, I want my style to be boho chic, eclectic with touches of glamour but I believe that my 'real life look' is a cross between a schoolmarm and a Mormon. No offense to any of my Mormon readers out there, I'm sure you look fine. Do you Mormons.

I look at other blogs and 'streetstyle' sites for inspiration and I'm wondering where do these chicks work since they can wear a slouchy sweater, knee high boots and that's all? I look under the section labeled "work" and I find mini skirts and intentionally torn tights and that is definitely not the look I'm going for in my work attire. I want to be a bit more funky, a little edgier but it needs to fit my lifestyle, budget and and most importantly my personality. Also, I'm no spring chicken so I do not want to look like I'm trying to look too young.

Here is an outfit that I wore to work last week. I actually love the kimono style sleeves on this dress but it was way too long (see Sister Wives) so my mom recently hemmed it for me so I could wear it. But the styling? *Yaaaawwwwwnnnn* 

Sweater: Zara, Dress: Thrifted, Shoes: BCBG

Then I thought, what about a do over? So I put the dress on again today and styled it differently. I am pledging to post photos of my outfits even if I don't particularly love what I'm wearing, keep some of the elements of the outfits and re-style it. I'm going to call it "What I Should Have Worn" and show how to change the look of an outfit with simple (and not so simple) touches.


Posting my outfits is definitely challenging me to tap into my creative side and put together 'picture worthy' outfits but sometimes after taking photos I don't post the pics because I deem them 'too boring.' I am hoping that documenting my style journey will help me to evolve into the stylish me I wanna be and I want to take you along for the ride. What do I want from you? Understanding that no one gets it right all the time but I'm gonna let it all hang out and your participation. Questions, feedback (good or bad) are welcome. Let's make this interactive, shall we?


  1. I understand how you feel...

  2. I love your do over!! Those sleeves are way too glamorous to hide them!

    I feel like that too...Sometimes it affects my whole day if I think I could have worn something differently.

    I love this idea of "What I Should Have Worn!"

  3. SO glad I found your blog... I struggle with this. I love the do-over, even the hair change makes a difference. I will definitely follow your progress & try it myself

  4. I know how you feel...I tend to wear things the same way all the time. I look forward to following your journey. But you are definitely one of my inspirations.

  5. OMG.... I look at some of the ladies in blogs- yes you being one of them and think- "I would NEVER be able to wear that to work - even some hair styles" I work in a very conservative workplace where wearing red shoes with all black warrants the entire office to run and see so some of the other stuff would be - and OMG moment. I do feel that my creativity is being muffled

  6. Anonymous7:53 AM

    If anybody feel ya... I am currently trying to mix work appropriate attire with a unique edgy flavor. I also love the fact that you as a blogger still is going thru a retrospective fashion rut... I do that all the time!

  7. yes! i've definitely found that documenting my outfits and putting them out there in the world has changed how i dress - for the better! adding a little more challenge makes me think out of the box more. And not because I want to impress anyone, but more so because I'm inspired. Love your take on this cute dress! :)

  8. Anonymous2:34 PM

    I often feel like you do but then I also come to the realization that I am no spring chicken either, lol. I'm sombody's mama as well as grandmama, a governement employee and a preacher. I cannot waltz around in jeggins, thigh high boots and camis all day. You look fabulous with that glorious have a feminine, elegant style. Keep doing you, trust me it works!

  9. yes, absolutely- sometimes I feel like I'm dressing in a style that's not me, but then I remember that I get to decide my style, so whatever I wear is me!

  10. I'm not working so right now i can wear what I want. But I looooove how you rocked this dress!

    I like it better without the jacket!


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