
Sunday, November 28, 2010

In The Fashionista's Closet: Club Metro

The upside of working at a major retail store during Christmas: cute guys will flirt with you. The downside of working at a major retail store during Christmas: not-so-cute guys will try and flirt with you. From now on I am going to call this place Club Metro because all it needs is a giant disco ball in the center, it feels like a nightclub. If I would have known that all I had to do was work in the men's department of a major retail store, I might have tried this route sooner. Reiko keeps asking me "WHAT are you wearing???" because I have had funny "Girl let me tell you what happened today" guy stories every day so she acts as if I'm strolling around in tube socks and nothing else. I told her maybe it's the hair because it has really been at it's awesomest lately if I do say so myself. It's the shea butter, I tell ya.

I had dinner with a friend and this is what I wore, Reiko helped me put it together via phone, camera phone and instant message (isn't technology grand?)

 Clutch: DSW
 Jeans: Calvin Klein skinny leg
 Top: Zara
Assorted necklaces from Forever 21, chain belts, and vintage thrifted necklace

Boots: Nine West

I had the pleasure of running into not one but TWO readers of Fashion Nette-work over the weekend and I couldn't have been happier! I was so surprised because I think no one ever reads my blog but me and my mom so thanks Dionne and Brandy, you really made my day!


  1. Anonymous10:34 PM

    I read it, too! :) It is fabulous!

  2. I heart this outfit! I did good! And yay to CLUB METRO!

  3. P.S....I did "well!"

    The english teacher in me kicked in! HA!

  4. I love the look! This is why you keep getting hit on! LOL!!

  5. I read your blog every time you your style!

  6. I must concur your hair is quite awesome!! We must talk about these suitors. Love the outfit! & I NEVER miss your blog :)

  7. Loving the hair... Super Cute! Great job Reiko.

  8. You look fabulous dahling!

  9. Anonymous11:39 PM

    Now you know I read it:) lol this outfit is fantabulous! You and Reiko score again! Love it! The boots, the top but especially da HUR! Gotta get me some of that shea butter! That probably is the secret to pulling all the men:) Fabulous!

  10. Anonymous12:17 PM

    It was nice running into you too. I was so excited when i saw you. You and your hair are Gorgeous!


  11. Anonymous5:30 AM

    Love the boots....have the same ones in the "cognacy" color. Cute fit!

  12. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Oh,you are becoming one of my style and hair inspirations


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