
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

In The Fashionista's Closet: All Black Everything

Sorry for the lack of posts this week, I have been feeling really down this week. I didn't pass my exam that would have enabled me to get a teaching job with a school and grade level that I wanted to work with. I am beyond bummed. I was looking forward to it in the worst way. 

I also have the worst wake-you-up-in-the-middle-of-the-night sore throat and cold symptoms so I haven't worked out all week and feel pretty lousy.

 Black sweater: Ralph Lauren
Black pants: Club Monaco
Earrings: Resale shop
Belt: Target
 Ballet flats: Chanel

I took these pics quickly on my way to my part time job. Sorry it's not more exciting, the dress code is all black so I wanted to pop the look with bits of color.

I love these earrings, I found three great pair at a resale shop while going to Wendy's to cop some of their new fries. If you haven't tried them, Delish!

I hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving, my time with my family will be super short as I have to work Black Friday at 5:45 am (yikes!) But at least I'll get to feel some of my mom's great hugs, they're the best!


  1. Anonymous5:47 PM

    Hey Juanette,

    Try the test again now that you know what is on it. Is it the Gace or Praxis? I don't know what teacchers take down there, but I may have some resources depending on the test. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  2. i completely understand how you feel and want to offer you some encouragement. i do not consider myself to be a religious person but definitely spiritual and when things don't happen in our time (and i am a spoiled brat!) or meeting our expectation just know that it will when it's supposed to. have a great holiday!

  3. Select choice of shoes is like a man, is pretty people know, a comfortable only you know! Tory Burch recently reported that the double T logo in the ballet section Flats has been listed since 2006, the 250,000 pairs of hot!
    Flat shoes can be the same "stability" of trying to make you a star on the streets! Let us bid farewell to the era of high Hentian!

  4. It will be ok...enjoy today with loved ones and stay positve.


  5. I'm sorry to hear you didn't pass the exam. I had to take the Praxis II for English 4 times before passing. Thankfully I was hired on a provisional license, so at least I was already in the field when that occurred. I think the thing that helped me was realizing that the test is about critical thinking...the state board really doesn't expect you to know everything on the test! I am also curious to know if it's the Praxis or some other exam, and if it was general knowledge or content specific. Don't give up hope...remain faithful and you will pass in due time!

    Where do you work part time? Your outfit is chic!

    Feel better and have a blessed Thanksgiving with your loved ones!


  6. you will do better next time.
    Your look is great. I may steal it some day. As usual you are such an inspiration.


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