
Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Search Is Over!

So here's the scenario: I went to the thrift store looking for a full slip to wear when I saw them. 

Yes, THEM. Not one, not two, but THREE crinolines, all feathery and fabulous.

This one is long and has a satin trim at the bottom. 
And how much were these little babies? Take a look:

That's right, $3.99 each! I had to get them all, it was IMPERATIVE.

Now you know my love and desire for a crinoline (see here, here, and here) so this is MAY-JAH. I want to hang one as decor (I am so serious), dye one black and leave the short one just the way it is. 

Here is my crinoline inspiration:

  And real world style:
 Love her dress, hate her mess (Lisa Loves You)

 Sea of Shoes when I could relate to her outfits.

(Not sure if she has a crinoline on underneath but I would totally rock mine with this skirt.) 

(loves her)

I want to play dress up everyday and wear my crinoline underneath EVERYthing. It demands it. Don't you agree?


  1. I grew up in the 50s and 60s. We wore crinolines a lot during part of that time. Multiple crinolines. Itchy, scratchy, stiff, uncomfortable crinolines. They made our skirts stand out nicely, but they left little gridwork creases and marks on the backs of our thighs. And sometimes, they cut into our waists making it uncomfortable to breathe! I was so glad to see them disappear.

    You are welcome to them with my blessings! LOL!!

  2. YAY! You finally got your crinolines! Now I want one just as pretty!

  3. These were great finds.


  4. Anonymous4:55 PM

    You MUST do a post of the one you hang as decor. I need to see that!

  5. I love the fist skirt! wonderful!

    follow me if you want!kiss kiss ^^

  6. Wow these are great's rare to find crinolines in good condition. and thanks for introducing me to new bloggers.....will check them out.

    My shop and blog


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