
Friday, November 19, 2010

In The Fashionista's Closet: Up By The Boot Straps

 Aaaaahhhh, blessed blessed Friday. 
 Coat: Ann Taylor Loft

I got this coat about 8 years ago and I almost had to fight over it because a woman had taken it off of the hold rack and was trying it on as I was returning to the store. I had asked them to hold it until I was on my way out of the mall so I wouldn't have to lug it with me but luckily I came in in the nick of time and there were no fisticuffs. Crisis averted!

 These boots zip up the back, forgot to get a shot....


Doing something new by adding these BAPs (Big Azz Pictures, I'm the queen of acronyms) let me know if you like them this large or not.

Dress: Thrifted (Previously seen here)
Belt: Thrifted
Boots: Juicy Couture

OH! Please check out the love I got from The Trendy Socialite, we are now officially friends in my head, I am so grateful that my blog has opened up avenues and opportunities to meet (online at least) such fabulous people.

And can you please, PLEASE watch this video that I saw over at Instant Vintage (she's hilarious by the way), I literally had tears in my eyes...


  1. You look FABULOUS! I'm so glad you got that coat in time because it's perfect on you, and those boots are so great! I love them!

  2. Anonymous9:19 PM

    I really admire your style. Once I meet my weight goal (40 down 20 to go), I may have to travel to get a lil 1 on 1 style advise. I need a head to toe make over.

  3. First of all, I love the lady dress with boots. Now I want some brown boots with a heel. Thanks.

    And that video....I refuse to hit play again because I would be up another night hitting repeat!

  4. Love the outfit and I have been looking for some cute brown boots.

    All I have to say about the video is, "You play too much!".

  5. i love the photos! the background is beautiful! i wish i could see your hair better though, it alwayas looks great!

  6. I love the entire look, and your blog! I "found" you thru the post the Trendy Socialite did that mentioned you. As I was already a follower of her and Reiko from God's Favorite Shoes I knew I'd love your blog as well....AND I DO!

  7. Thanks ladies! Antonia, you can see more pics of this hairstyle here:

    and here:

    Hope this helps!

  8. Fabulous outfit. That coat would've been worth a fight too...glad it didn't come to that :-)

  9. Your pics are bigger...I like that. Love the boots and I'm about to check the video out.


  10. I love the pics! You look great!

  11. Select choice of shoes is like a man, is pretty people know, a comfortable only you know! Tory Burch recently reported that the double T logo in the ballet section Flats has been listed since 2006, the 250,000 pairs of hot!
    Flat shoes can be the same "stability" of trying to make you a star on the streets! Let us bid farewell to the era of high Hentian!


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