Friday, November 19, 2010

In The Fashionista's Closet: Up By The Boot Straps

 Aaaaahhhh, blessed blessed Friday. 
 Coat: Ann Taylor Loft

I got this coat about 8 years ago and I almost had to fight over it because a woman had taken it off of the hold rack and was trying it on as I was returning to the store. I had asked them to hold it until I was on my way out of the mall so I wouldn't have to lug it with me but luckily I came in in the nick of time and there were no fisticuffs. Crisis averted!

 These boots zip up the back, forgot to get a shot....


Doing something new by adding these BAPs (Big Azz Pictures, I'm the queen of acronyms) let me know if you like them this large or not.

Dress: Thrifted (Previously seen here)
Belt: Thrifted
Boots: Juicy Couture

OH! Please check out the love I got from The Trendy Socialite, we are now officially friends in my head, I am so grateful that my blog has opened up avenues and opportunities to meet (online at least) such fabulous people.

And can you please, PLEASE watch this video that I saw over at Instant Vintage (she's hilarious by the way), I literally had tears in my eyes...


Melissa said...

You look FABULOUS! I'm so glad you got that coat in time because it's perfect on you, and those boots are so great! I love them!

Anonymous said...

I really admire your style. Once I meet my weight goal (40 down 20 to go), I may have to travel to get a lil 1 on 1 style advise. I need a head to toe make over.

GFS said...

First of all, I love the lady dress with boots. Now I want some brown boots with a heel. Thanks.

And that video....I refuse to hit play again because I would be up another night hitting repeat!

Jan said...

Love the outfit and I have been looking for some cute brown boots.

All I have to say about the video is, "You play too much!".

Unknown said...

i love the photos! the background is beautiful! i wish i could see your hair better though, it alwayas looks great!

Unknown said...

I love the entire look, and your blog! I "found" you thru the post the Trendy Socialite did that mentioned you. As I was already a follower of her and Reiko from God's Favorite Shoes I knew I'd love your blog as well....AND I DO!

Juanette said...

Thanks ladies! Antonia, you can see more pics of this hairstyle here:

and here:

Hope this helps!

Economy of Style said...

Fabulous outfit. That coat would've been worth a fight too...glad it didn't come to that :-)

Dhalia Edwards said...

Your pics are bigger...I like that. Love the boots and I'm about to check the video out.


Ms. Tee said...

I love the pics! You look great!

Tory Burch said...

Select choice of shoes is like a man, is pretty people know, a comfortable only you know! Tory Burch recently reported that the double T logo in the ballet section Flats has been listed since 2006, the 250,000 pairs of hot!
Flat shoes can be the same "stability" of trying to make you a star on the streets! Let us bid farewell to the era of high Hentian!



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