
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

In The Fashionista's Closet: Borrowed From the Boys

I met a friend for lunch and we ended up staying for about four hours, we had so much fun catching up. She has the most calming spirit, I thought that immediately when I first met her. (I guess opposites really do attract, I can be a little exciteable.)

Ralph Lauren blazer: (making another appearance!) Thrifted from Reiko
Men's shirt: Bill Blass (from rummage sale)
Men's belt: Thrifted
Men's jeans: Rummage sale

I have had these shoes for two years now, I shamelessly asked for them here and this is their first appearance on the blog! Say hello everyone!

  Things that I KNOW I know but needed to revisit:

1. Life is not a competition. Stop comparing yourself to other people, you don't know the sacrifices that they have had to make to get what it is you think you want. You don't have to have what they have, be your most authentic self and challenge yourself to get what it is God has in store for you. 

2. Focus on the positive. Be aware of and stop all negative self-talk. Write out and repeat positive affirmations and surround yourself with POSITIVE people.
3. Keep it moving. When setbacks happen, don't dwell or wallow in it, realize that there could be a lesson in it (sometimes God is trying to get your attention) dust yourself off and keep pushing forward.

We all need encouragement from time to time so take a moment and give someone a kind word, you never know who may need it....


  1. Your outfit is so fresh and chic! Love it, love it!

  2. I love that you love that jacket! It's perfect for you!

  3. i'm loving this outfit! the hair looks hot too! :)

  4. I'm loving this look. The red shoes add an instant "pop" of color. Your hair is very pretty too!


  5. Anonymous11:06 AM

    I too had stop comparing myself too others. I learned to appreciate where I am/was in life and move on from there.

  6. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Oh and love the outfit.

  7. Oh my gawd, give me those shoes!

    This is my idea of "smart" attire!

    Thanks for sharing those words of affirmation! :)

  8. I love the look. Very comfy and relaxed, yet chic. Proof positive we don't have to look like we just rolled out of bed in order to be comfortable. Thanks for the timely affirmations too....


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