Wednesday, December 22, 2010

In The Fashionista's Closet: A Word From Our Sponsor

I love coats. Even though I live in Texas and it doesn't get as cold but I am always on the lookout for a great coat. Coats in a colder climate would be more about function than fashion so I'm glad for our not as cold but still cold to me weather.
Vintage coat: Thrifted

I had a meeting with a client today and I truly wish that personal shopping and thrifting were my full time, everyday job. It's so fun for me and people respect and love what I do for them. Busy moms, businesswomen, people who want to change their look or have a special event, call Fashion Nette-work!

Boots: Juicy Couture

Services include closet cleanouts, personal shopping, wardrobe revamps and fashion seminars for those who want to step up their game and step outside outside the box or are just too busy or hate (gasp!) to shop.

Necklaces: Forever 21

Email me for rates and requests at

 Jacket: Ann Taylor Loft 
Long sleeve tee: Zara
Jeans: Calvin Klein

Now back to our regularly scheduled program....
I'm looking forward to spending time with my family for the holiday, I pray that everyone has a blessed and happy holiday season!

Whenever I hear this song, it reminds me of my aunt, I remember her singing it and cleaning the house when I was a little girl. I miss her.....


GFS said...

You been holding on me huh Juanette! What's up with the secret clothes in your closet like that COAT!! HUH! HUH? HUH!

I loveth every ounce of this outfit. The coat. The tee, the jacket...the boots...everything!

Now I am about to text you...he he he:)

Unknown said...

LOVE your coat!!!

Unknown said...

I just love that blazer:-)

~L~ said...

loving the stripes on stripes action. never thought to do two striped patterns together but i will have to try that.


Ms. Tee said...

I love the blue & white stripes! I am obsessed with navy right now...but can't seem to find a pair of navy pants or navy shoes that I would want to buy!

Dhalia Edwards said...

Happy belated birthday hun...I've been MIA.

You look great in these pics and esp when you smile.




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