Friday, March 11, 2011

In The Fashionista's Closet: Bang Bang Bang Bang!

 Trench: Marshalls
I felt like the dad in Boomerang with my jacket and vest combo...

I'm so ready for spring! I really need to learn to sew asap. I'm intent on shortening all of my dresses from last year to a non-grandma length. Not too short but definitely to update my look.

Do you need a sewing machine to hem dresses, or can it be done by hand? I have a machine but I'm pretty clueless as to its operation and I'm not sure if it's an undertaking that I want to attempt unless it's relatively simple. Otherwise the items are making the trip to my mom's to be altered...

Feeling myself....

Jacket and vest: Vintage
Men's tee: Target
Skirt: Vintage
Shoes: BCBG

And just in case you forgot.....


###### said...

lol...i knew you meant boomerang..I need some vintage blouses...girly and cute...suggestions?

Prissy said...

LOL!! Too funny! I really love the vest/blazer combo. I'm also picturing this with some of the peg leg pants you mentioned in your previous post! Cute shoes too!


~L~ said...

YES! he was serious with his mushroom attire.
im liking that plaid vest blazer combo tho! has a classic feel to it!


Ms. Tee said...

I love this look on chic yet professional! LOL @ the Boomerang reference. I am ready for spring too...your SFAM closet is making it difficult to decide which piece to buy first! :)



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