Monday, February 13, 2012

In The Fashionista's Closet: Thelma 2.0

I felt like Thelma from Good Times in my jacket. Which is a compliment to me.

Scarf (around hair): H&M
Men's Shirt: Thrifted
Jeans: H&M
Bag: Kooba
Boots: From a clothes swap
I imagine her wearing this on her way to dance class or to one of her many dates. Y'all know Thelma was engaged twice before she married Keith right?

Or maybe she wore this when they were protesting the college cafeteria and she met Ibe (just realized that it was spelled Ibe and not Ebay, lol) and got her hair braided up.

But I'd like to think that she was wearing this jacket when she met Keith, maybe walking from the bus stop or at the boutique. He would think "I gotta meet that girl in that far out jacket, she is one foxy lady!"

But no matter who wore it, I'm glad they gave it up so that I could be a happy little thrifter when I spied it at the thrift store. So thank you.

But I still think it's Thelma's.....


BESOS LYNN said...

I love a well placed Thelma reference! I love finding Thelma-esque stlyed clothes at my local thrift shop even more! Great coat, love the boats too!

d said...

I like this outfit but I really love your bag!

Like Mousse Au Chocolat said...


Unknown said...

Cute jacket, I like how you styled it!!

Carsedra of:

Trina said...

LOL @ Ebay! They play Good Times epidsodes on this app that I have called Crackle.

Erika L. Thomas said...

LOL! I'm with was Thelma's jacket. I love your style. YOu look great.

Juanette said...

Thanks Trina! Off to download the app....

Unknown said...

bold colors and it works! I see yOU'll be at TxSC too! -Virginia Lee Boyles @vany212



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