Friday, June 10, 2011

In The Fashionista's Closet: Baby in a Bar

I wore this ensemble to an open mic night on Wednesday but there was still no open mic at around 11:30 that night so I left and missed the whole thing and I got a parking ticket in the meantime because my meter ran out.
*Le sigh* 
I felt that this was the waste of a perfectly good top so I'll be wearing it again hopefully to a more
"Cute Top" worthy spot.
(This is the same top that I'm wearing in my profile photo on the left side of the page with the bangles.)

Top: Zara
Earrings: Forever 21
Clutch: DSW
Jeans: Calvin Klein
Shoes: Steve Madden Luxe 
I met a friend at a pool hall (pool hall sounds kind of seedy, it was actually a bar) to watch the Dallas Mavericks/Miami Heat game last night and a kid walks up to me. "Hi Miss B!"

*insert incredulous look here*
It was one of the students from school.

In a bar.

At 11 o'clock at night.

Where they do that at?!?

Apparently in Dallas, Texas, people.
"What are you doing here?" I asked him. "I'm with my aunt" he replied nonchalantly.
"Where is she?"
"Playing pool" he said looking at me like I'm stupid for asking why else would him and his aunt be in a pool hall at 11 o'clock at night.
"Ummmmmkay, well you have a good summer" I stammered as I tried to shield him from looking at the Tasty Adult Beverage in my hand.

This is why I think people should be required to pass a test before having kids and I guess I should amend that to include all family members as well....

Post title inspired by this scene in Sweet Home Alabama:


Jennifer S. said...

LOL!!!! I absolutely hate wasting a cute outfit too....


Unknown said...

I got a better one. Why bring a baby and kids under five to a midnight showing of movie? Where does that happen? Good ol' South Carolina. lol! I have two under 7, and if I don't have a babysitter, I stay my ass at the house!

I hate wasting a good outfit too. That happened to me last Friday. lol

Brittney said...

hah! have a teacher/student run-in in unexpected places. but a pool hall/bar? yeah. yikes.
love your bright yellow bag here.
-brittney (my daiy outfit blog; come on by if you'd like!)

Toria said...

That's crazy! Some people really have very poor parental judgment.

You looked gorgeous, so I'm sorry the outfit had to go to waste!

I guess I really need to make the drive to the Dallas Galleria and check out Zara! :)

Unknown said...

i love this top and need it in my life.

Moni @ CL Journal said...

I'm with Antonia, I need this top in my life as well as the shoes!

Girl, come to NYC, you see all kinds of parenting gone wrong!

House of Brooke said...

Yeppers! Wear it AGAIN & AGAIN to a more "worthy" place. (Like another trip to the thrift store or shopping!)
Love it.

Well the _kids_ in this area hang with their family ALL night too!

This is where they do this at!

Audrey...Miss Moon's Musings said...

:::steps in the "Need that top in their life" line::: Anybody know where you take a number?!? LOL

And like Moni... I see cringe-worthy parenting fails on a daily basis in Brooklyn!

Serenity3-0 said...

I'm sorry. What kind of idiot brings a child out to that type environment? Seriously that is ridiculous..

I love your to and the clutch! But your hair is fabulous.

Debz Salazar said...

Loving EVERYTHING about this look!

Mellodee said...

When I lived in Florida in the late 50s, early 60s, it was illegal to bring anyone under the age of 18 into a babies, no teens, no kids up way past their bedtimes! I don't know but I tend to think that's no longer true. Still, I would sure support it on a ballot! Kids just don't need to be there!

Sorry about the open mic, but there will be another night.

Nika said...

I love your hair and your top!

GFS said...

I die for that top. Die. I'm Dead.

But I'm came back alive to say that you should've asked that kid to teach you the Wobble dance since you were both in the bar!

Duh. You blew your chance.

*dead again

LA Lynn's said...

U ROCK that whole outfit from Top to Bottom!!!! *Luv It*

Aaronie B. said... a fan

t. drenice said...

I know this story all too well. I frequently check my surroundings when I hang out for that very same reason. I absolutely despise running into the children and their parents when I am on MY ADULT TIME.

Love the outfit and the posting...

LV said...

I love your outfit and those earrings are gorgeous!

BESOS LYNN said...

Ummm, really? Wow, a bar? OK, so the top is tres cute and the hair is awesome!!!!

Tiffany said...

I love when I run into my students. They think its a parallel universe. It is almost as if they have seen a ghost. I was at the Taste of Chicago last year with my little shorts on and my big drink in my hand and ran into a gaggle of my students. I said hey and kept it moving when I am sure they posted on twitter that their teacher had on Daisy Dukes or whatever the heck they call little shorts nowadays!!

Unknown said...

Okay- I am literally LOL here! I can see Lil Bobby looking @you like you had three eyes lol!



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