Wednesday, June 22, 2011

In The Fashionista's Closet: Miss Crazypants

I was out on my balcony yesterday morning, really kinda feeling sorry for myself  and getting ready to have a five minute cry when I noticed movement out of the corner of my eye. There is a dumpster behind a Vietnamese restaurant on the corner and I watched as the top of the dumpster flew open. A person (I later determined it was a small man with a long ponytail and floppy hat) hopped out of the dumpster with a bag in his hand. After getting out of the dumpster, he carefully closed the top of it, I guess he didn't want anyone coming to his "house" while he wasn't there and walked down the street, calm and cool as you please and began to look in the trash can near the bus stop at the corner.

Earrings: Thrifted
Blazer: Thrifted
Shirt: Banana Republic
Pants: Thrifted
Shoes: Target
Bag: Either Marshalls or TJ Maxx, I can't recall

After I giggled because I always seem to luck up on random strange sights like this, I took this as God's way of telling me to stop feeling sorry for myself....I could literally be "down in the dumps." Get it? Because the dude was in the....oh never mind...

Feeling sorry for yourself, and your present condition, is not only a waste of energy but the worst habit you could possibly have. -Dale Carnegie


MsK.Roberts said...

I don't know if i've ever posted to your site, but I love it! love your hair and you have an uncanny resemblance to my cousin Rochelle! Lol

I too have been having a pitty party for myself this WEEK and today had to literally talk myself into being happy, not crying and enjoying my day. I work by a highway where homeless people stand and that along with thinking of how my daughters (its my oldest daughters bday) look up to me to keep us going, helped turn my day around.

Glad that you found some clarity! Cute OOTD as well.

Unknown said...

very true,God showed you that homeless man not to uplift your mood at his expense, but to appreciate every little blessing you have. My motto in life, which sometimes its hard to practice: enjoy my blessings while working on bettering the quality of my life in every way.

Unknown said...

Great post! and i love the green bag.

ShaBoogiesince1982 said...

I always tell myself that there's nothing wrong with feeling down -- but I just can't stay there.

ChocolateOrchid said...

Wow. So true about getting messages to remind you how fortunate you actually are.

Btw, love the quote and the outfit.

Audrey...Miss Moon's Musings said...

(((hugs))) To quote Confucius, "Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising each time we fall."

I will be picking up a little yellow and blue pick me up for you next week! It may not ease your troubles, but I hope that it's a sliver of a silver lining on your horizon!!!

Unknown said...

Sending a smile your way:)))!!!

LA Lynn's said...

GREAT POST... there is always that little reminder to let us know that a smile is always at the end of those tears!

BTW, love the POP of YELLOW! What a way to brighten up your day! :D

Miss B said...

You are fabulous! I truly identify with your feelings...alas the show must go on! Love,love,love your style.

Tiffany said...

Girl what??? That is truly God's way of calming your nerves. I tell you about my boy Jesus he will really give you what you need won't he? I really am enjoying that bag and since my b-day is in two

Strictli Hair said...

Wonderful post! Oh and I got the pun you intended! Great outfit also! :)

Worker said...

Great Dressing for a blacky.

Ms. Tee said...

Isn't it amazing what God will reveal to you when you take a moment to just be still?

I love this outfit on suits your style well!

Toria said...

Absolutely love the meaning and inspiration in this post! It's very true! God always find ways to remind us of how grateful we should be, regardless of our current situation!

Love the crazy pants btw! :)



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