Monday, May 09, 2011

In The Fashionista's Closet: Gumballs

 Gumballs is what my mom called this dress so this is what it is.

 Dress: Vintage
Belt: Came from another dress
Clutch: Gifted from sister
Shoes: Nine West

I love bright colors (as if you didn't already know) and I don't know if I'm in a good place because of the bright colors I'm wearing or if I'm gravitating to the bright colors because I'm in a good place but I'm taking everything in stride right about now.

Life happens, setbacks happen, people happen, but you just gotta keep it moving.

I have the love and support of my friends and family and that's what matters to me.

“Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections.”


Anonymous said...

You thrift the best dresses, this one is on my fav list. Your hair is looking good too.

Angie R.

ty said...

HOW CUUUUUUTE! I love it! reminds me of a dress Rihanna wore! Lady i applaud you for finding the most coolest pieces in a thrift store! Loving everything! So summery! xoxo TY

The Purse-a-holic said...

You find the best clothing items thrifting. I can never find more than a blazer, and purses lol.

A Girl's Next Best Friend

Prissy said...

How fun (and fabulous) is this dress!!!!! Girl, you are def the thrifting queen. You're gonna make me come to Dallas to thrift..but I need somewhere to crash for the weekend.....your place? LOL

BESOS LYNN said...

How do you manage to find such great vintage dresses? I agree, it does remind me of gumballs.

Kimberly said...

That dress is fantastic!! Also, you look beautiful!

Manecoarse said...

You've gotta know that I love that dress. I like the way it goes around your neck, and of course the gumballs are great too.

Unknown said...

That dress is AMAZING! You look so beautiful in color! Bright colors always adds a bit of happiness to life, like sunshine :-)

GFS said...

I hate this dress. Hate it. I spit on it. Puhhh...(that's me spitting on it)

It kind of pains me to say I love it...cause I hate it. Puh..I just spit again.


I've started my liquid crack diet...this dress will be the first to borrow:)

LV said...

This dress is so colorful!, so fun! So summer! Love everything. Your hair is fab, the dress is fab, the shoes...LOVE LOVE LOVE!

Minister of Style said...

Gorgeous...head to toe!

Katie Mac said...

Can a dress may you happy? I think look great!

LJoyner said...

Awesome dress!! You look beautiful as always!!

laniza said...

I love how the dots are different sizes--what a fabulous find!

Monique said...

This dress is so fun! I love it!

High Heels & Good Meals! said...

Very cute! I love your style and I LOVE your HAIR!!! BTW..I've added you to my blogroll of Fashionistas! I hope that's ok. I'm just starting my blog and yours is inspiring to read. :)

Style Chic 360 said...

I had that quote as my screensaver on my is so true!

That's the perfect name for that dress!

It is so cute! I seriously need to get on the thrifting-wagon, such great finds!

Kerissa said...

I adore this dress. Colors, colors all around me. I wanted to see a picture of you twirling. Will you be my big sister?

cris said...

i love the polka dots and in those colors - gorgeous!!!!

juliette said...

I want this dress. Now. You don't even have to include the belt or the bag, I"m not greedy.

Like Mousse Au Chocolat said...

cute dress

Nika said...

love, love that dress and your hair looks awesome!!!

Nekiah Torres said...

In a word...STUNNING! Kiah

mrsjarette said...

This dress is soooo adorable and colorful... too bad its vintage now we cant go out and buy it... :)

Alissa said...

Oh my gosh, this is such a wonderful dress. You look great in it and that belt pulls it all together.

~L~ said...

that dress is soo cute! perfect for summer.

and great quote!

Looms, Lids, and layers said...

I want this now!!! Love this look!

House of Brooke said...!

Toria said...

Gorgeous! Love love that dress!!! :)

Ariel B said...

This dress is adorable! Love it!



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