Friday, May 06, 2011

In The Fashionista's Closet: Rainbow Brite

This has been such a hectic week, I almost had a fistfight with a crazy woman (but she is old I'm a lady so I didn't), I got to hang out with some real grownups and drink some great wine and I'm still working two jobs like a mad woman.  

I'm headed out to visit my mom for Mother's Day and I'm already late getting started (as usual)
so this will be a quick post.
This will be my youngest sister's first 'almost a mother's day, she is having a girl (much to my ten year old nephew's chagrin, he was hoping for a boy to play with.) But we are all thrilled about a new addition, even though my sis doesn't like any of the baby names I like. I've named two of my friends children before so I consider myself the "Official Baby Namer" and she is vetoing my picks!

Parker, Kameron, Kennedy, and Kelby were some of my suggestions and she says no.

I've wanted the name Kameron for a girl ever since I worked at a bank in college and I had a customer named Cameron and I thought it was the coolest name for a girl.  
So my customer Cameron comes into the bank and I tell her "I just love your name, I think it's such a cool name for a girl."

Necklaces: Forever 21, chain belts (Aldo, gifted). Bracelets: Assorted

She replied, "Thank you. My name was supposed to be Camaro but they spelled it wrong on my birth certificate."

Jacket: Banana Republic (thrifted)

*Insert stunned silence here.* Camaro??? Like, the car?

Tank: Zara
Jeans: 7 For All Mankind
Bag: Vintage
Wedges: BCBG

Big thank you to whomever changed Camaro to Cameron. Sometimes you just gotta stop stupidity in its tracks...

To all of the moms, thanks for all that you do and to my mom, I love you, you're the absolute best!


Anonymous said...

LMAO @ Camaro! Heck naw! That's like Mercedes, Porsche, Lexus, Cadillac- is there a Camry, Carolla, hmmp! I like Kennedy- my bff has a good friend who named her daughter Kennedy. My godchild is McKenzie which is a good one. I know a male Parker. I think I've seen and heard every name imaginable as a teacher! I cringed at the substitute calling out names today, lol. Some she didn't even trym she just spelled them- lol! You got a crazy name, then get mad when people pronounce it incorrectly! LMAO! I am loving the top. I gotta hit up Zara this summer (nods head!)

Anonymous said...

Great Look, Love the Vintage Bag....

P.S. I love this... said...

You look fab as usual. =)

Camaro? Really? Poor baby. I think Kennedy is a great name. I plan to name my baby that. Or Chandler.. or Carrington. I love a unisex name.

Thank goodness my Aunt stopped stupidity in it's tracks.. or my name wouldn't be Zena but instead Lil Cathy. Yes, you read that right, Lil Cathy. Named after my mother Cathy.. but "Lil" because I was her mini me. She put that on my birth certificate but thank goodness my aunt was there to save me from that.

Could you imagine seeing THAT at the bank?? You probably couldn't get through the transaction without busting out laughing.

Moni @ CL Journal said...

Wonderful casual look! Love the accessories!

Chay Chay said...

I DO love the name Cameron too, for a boy or a girl...that's my brother's name, he's a cool guy : )
BUT ANYWAYS about the post, love it ALL, so cute and casual, and colorful....I REALLY like those jeans!

Economy of Style said...

WOW WOW WOW!!! I love everything about your outfit!!

Anonymous said...

Love the outfit. SMH at naming a baby Camaro. Happy Mom's Day!

Angie R.

Maddalena said...


Audrey...Miss Moon's Musings said...

Camaro? Wow.............. There was a family on my block here in Brooklyn a few years back with a Mother who named her daughter Levitra...

Now I don't know if she intentionally named her daughter after E.D. medicine, but it was something to hear her yell for the little girl when it was time to come in from playing! lol

Love this outfit to pieces!! It makes me want to sing "Rainbow High" from "Evita"!!

kdr*S said...

So call me ghetto but I kinda like the name Camaro. Its a pleasant change from your normal Mercedes and Porsche. #callmecrazy

Cheers, kdrS

Unknown said...

I'm screaming laughing at "Camaro" LMAO!!! I know two "Cameron"'s spelled Camryn and Kamryn ( a girl and a boy)...I know several Kennedys, all lil' black girls...That our "classy" black girl name of choice these days. I have two I have list of girl names on my head I will let no one know, because your friends always still them. My LS still salty about a girl we went to college with stealing her girl name of "MacKenzie". You shouldn't told the chick then. lol! Good Luck with the names though...there's a girl that attends my church and we always called her Kayla til' Sunday when they read her graduation announcement her real name is "Clarke McKayla". I thought that was really pretty.

Ms. Tee said...

*sigh* I love this outfit! The top and its subtle coordination with your bag (which is too cute), the shoes, your necklaces...oh and the jacket just tops it off!

I like all of the names you chose for your niece! I am glad Cameron was not named Camaro...that's almost as bad as Chardonnay! Maybe

Speaking of names, did you hear that Mariah Carey named her baby girl Monroe and her baby boy Moroccan?

Kerissa said...

So now we have two things in common: rainbow bright and being the official baby namer. I just recently welcome Kennedi Jade into the world a day after my birthday. I fought hard for that name so don't let up, lol.

You most certainly are wearing those jeans! Love how the handbag and accessories bring the look to life. Thanks for stopping by the blog.

P.S. I love your smile.

Fashionista fuera de la Ciudad said...

Love the outfit!! The colors are beautiful!! kuddos!!

Style Chic 360 said...

LOL...I'm glad there was a mixup with her name too. too funny!

You look so cute! I love the colors and all your necklaces really look cute together!

cris said...

omg... to funny (camaro). but anyway, i want that striped tank from Zara! :)

Like Mousse Au Chocolat said...

ahhh niiiiiiiiiiiiice bag

Alissa said...

That bag and those shoes are adorable.

Ciaa said...

love the shirt a lot . It works with the new color block trend...

Gorgeous_Puddin said...

Your style is just to FAB!!



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