The story of how my trip came to be: It was about a month and a half ago and I was on and they were asking for submissions for your must-have accessory. I submitted my photo (
this one) and named my bracelets (of course) as my must have accessory which is such the truth. I think people were supposed to vote on submissions but I didn't think anything else about it until I was contacted by People about a month later letting me know that I was a finalist in the contest. Oh em geeeeeeeeeeee, what?!? I didn't even know what the prize was until they contacted me. I had to submit notarized information that I was who I said I was (Catfish, anyone?) and they completed a background check and then I was notified that I was one of four winners of the People magazine Bic For Her contest! I remember seeing the email on the last day of summer school and I could barely contain my excitement! I couldn't believe it and called my mom immediately. She was so excited even though I told her that I wasn't going to tell many people yet. She thought that I was crazy but I guess because it didn't feel real to me so I just wanted to let it marinate for a bit.
The winners of the contest (us four in the middle), the marketing team, People Inc.
and Bic For Her staff