Monday, October 25, 2010

In The Fashionista's Closet: Talbots, I Apologize

I MUST apologize to Talbots for being upset that they mailed me a catalog because not only have they revamped their image but I also forgot that I have had this totally awesome skirt in my closet! 

I saw the skirt in Lucky magazine (I think the March issue) and knew it would be perfect for me! I stalked it until it went on sale and have had it in my closet ever since with the tags still on it.

It was a bit snug before but now it fits perfectly.

It reminds me of this print:

I wore this to church yesterday and service was excellent! 
It was about finding different paths to reach your desired goal if you feel stuck. You don't stay there, you find another resource. (I related to this so well.)

Have a Fashionable Day!

1 comment:

GFS said...

Me likey this whole combo!
Loving the shoes!



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