Thursday, March 03, 2011

In The Fashionista's Closet: Backwards Glance

Reiko gifted me this daishiki after I mentioned that she never wears it anymore (I originally saw her wearing it on her blog.) I guess I need to look at her other older outfit posts to see what else I can get! Just kidding...(but not really)...just kidding...(I think)...

I decided to wear it backward, I had tried it on this way before but it hasn't been warm enough to wear it until now.

I was watching Good Times recently (the episode was "The Rent Party) and saw this:

Yep that's my daishiki....

I'm looking forward to wearing lots of tops backwards!

Do you have any items that you wear in unconventional ways?

earrings: can't remember
pencil skirt: Ross
shoes: Jessica Simpson
hair: first day braidout

And a fitting honor to the boys who started it all:

Kriss Kross - Jump
Uploaded by lulupopstar. - Music videos, artist interviews, concerts and more.

Make it a great day!


Unknown said...

Ok, so I love the Daishiki and the pencil skirt is an unexpected surprise. Who knew? Oh wait...Juanette. I'm about to close my office door, listen to "Jump" and do the dance right now :~)

Anonymous said...

It looks amazing. What a fantastic item to be gifted!

Anonymous said...

Love the Daishiki, the hair and the confident swagger. Beautiful.

Tonia Lee Smith said...

Looks great backwards. I just saw that episode of Good Times the other night of Wanda's rent party.

Monroe Steele said...

great post. i love your style. thanks so much for commenting on my blog. I'm following you! visit me again soon

xoxo Monroe

Fashion Steele NYC

Tina said...

I can't believe you busted out Kriss Kross. Totally made me smile and made me feel old at the same time.

I wear clothes in whatever way suits my mood and outfit, but there is one sweater that I always wear backwards.

~L~ said...

honey yes. i manipulate clothes until i can't anymore. backwards, twisted...all that. and im am cracking up that your dashiki made a debut on Goodtimes. was he wearing it backwards too???


Ms. Tee said...

Love this look! I like layering pieces that some might not think to layer. I was in love with Kris Kross backin the day!

Juanette said...

Thank you ladies!

Oneika said...

wow! Love your hair!



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