My sister called me and told me that a new kid enrolled in my nephew's school today.
Top: Vintage
Skirt: Vintage
Belt: Can't remember
Shoes: Michael Kors

Nephew says no and new kid asked if he wanted to buy some weed.
Umm yeah, weed.
My nephew is in the 5th grade and even though I work with elementary school kids I couldn't believe it. Because my family lives in a small town I didn't think he would be confronted with that type of thing until he was older. It actually hurt my heart that he was put in that situation.

My nephew told his teacher about the exchange with the new kid and the principal called my brother in law to tell him what a great job he and my sister are doing as parents to raise such a responsible kid. I guess all's well that end's well....
but why do I want to find that kid and beat him up?
makes me wanna find the kids parents and beat them up! great print mixing as usual!
See now this is when I blame the parents! In Atlanta during the times of the Missing and Murdered children at 11PM the news would come on and say do you know where your children are! AKA do you know what your chilren' are doing? Ugh! So sad! I was scoping out the kid today with a pocket full of money who saw me eyeing him who said, oh I sell bubble gum! Side eye! I can't make assumptions, but hmmp! Really! It is so scary to think that middle school and lord forbid elementary kids have access to drugs! I am nearly 40 and have never smoked any weed! The contact from smelling it around college was enough for me to know I didn't need any parts of that! Lol! My grandmother didn't play! So I wasnt trying and doing anything that she would have to come and get me about, lol! Yep I had the fear in me from that lady! Pray, pray and pray some more for the youth of today! Kudos to your nephew for not being afraid to tell his teacher!
Oh yeah and they called the kid's mom and she said "I don't know where he got that from" Shocked, right? Well I have an idea of where he gets that from #appledidntfalltoofar
Im glad your nephew was able to do the right thing! He had definitely been taught well. I think kids are having to deal with issues like that at earlier ages now as time goes on.
Great post! However, in defense to the parents of the "wayward" new kid at school, let me tell THIS story. My daughter was attending LaPetite Academy, a day care franchise in this area. I had searched high and low for a place for her to go while my husband and I worked. She was about 4 or 5 years old at the time. One day I got a call from one of the "helpers" to please see her when I picked my daughter up that day. I did. What she told me had my mouth OPEN! She said she observed my daughter "pretending" to roll a joint!! I liketa fell out! She wanted to bring this to my attention as it could be a early warning, etc, etc,! Gurllllllllllllll. I too said I had NO idea where she could have seen such a thing, and perhaps she the helper mistook my daughers action (if she infact did such a thing! Needless to say, I spoke to the owner of the establishment and that helper was never seen or heard from again. When I questioned my daughter about her activities at the daycare, she talked about everything BUT that!!My daughter is now 26 years old living on her own successfully. Today, you can see E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G on tv and in HD no less! LOL! I hope this childs parents sit down and find out what's really going on with their child, if in fact THEY did not have a clue! Your sister and her husband should be proud of their son as I can see you all are! I love that outfit you're rocking too!
LOVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEEE This outfit! Perfect Spring vintage look!!!! I went bananas in my thrift store this week picking up skirts and dresses I CAN'T Wait to doll them up!
wow. in the fifth grade? crazy. I guess i need to start keeping my baby
outfit: love the colors on the vintage pieces.
so sad to see such a young kid already up on racist nonsense. I bet he heard that @ home from his parents or someone in his life.
What a sad story. Pray for all of the poor children and their poor parents. It has to be hard to raise kids nowadays with all of the crazy influences out there.
Kids do pick up a lot of things from their peers; other kids. Of course they see things on TV, but I believe that some kids are followers, not leaders, thus mimicking the bad things that they see.
It's sad. My daughter, who is now 17, use to tell me all kinds of stories when she was in 1st grade. From girls having girlfriends (not just a buddy), to boys touching themselves inappropriately.
I try to be the best influence I can be for my child.
Wow... I want to hug the child (and kick the crap out of the parents!). It's terrible that your nephew had to be confronted with such negativity, but judging from his reaction.. he obviously has a great head on his shoulders!!!
I heart this outfit! Every piece of it! As far as the weed pusher...I have a student that can be the weedpusher's girlfriend.
They can be a hot mess together!
Love that skirt. Another great outfit!
Wow. I'm blown away. That means the kid offering is about 9 or 10. What does he know about drugs and where to get them? I'll possibly be teaching one day and I never expected to hear something like that. Guess I better prepare myself. P.S. Nice outfit. :)
Day after day you rock awesome outfits! I seriously need to start thrifting more in hopes of finding awesome treasures!
As for your nephew, good for him for handling the situation well, but it is a shame he was put in that situation!
cute outfit! I love that skirt. I can't believe what happened to your nephew. Its so sad that kids are loosing their innocence earlier and earlier...
love it! keep the inspiration coming!
wow that is so crazy!!
love your skirt btw
Are you KIDDING me? That is ridiculous and sad and frustrating. Yikes. Now I have to homeschool.
Your outfit is a-freaking-dorable. Want to be my stylist?? Thanks for swinging by my blog today and for the great comments! Havin' a glass of wine for you right now!
Nice hair, I love it.
Again...another outfit I love...the colors and patterns are just perfect 2gether now why I couldn't think of that!
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