Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Park Yourself at The Shops at Park Lane!

This past Saturday I attended an event with the DFW Bloggers Network hosted by The Shops at Park Lane, the shopping area located across the street from Northpark Mall. I've been there before but it's been awhile and the area wasn't as developed as it is now. And color me impressed because there was awesome shopping, good eats and lots of fun!
Drinking champagne at Bailey's Prime Plus cuz yeah, that's just what I do....

No pics from our lunch at Gordon Biersch, I was too busy chowing down on my spinach salad with grilled chicken. Delish!
 Me and the ladies at Freshberry.(By the way, isn't Ivonne's hair (in yellow) like so super shiny??? I'm obsessed.)
 My coconut yogurt with strawberries, mango and pineapple. YUM!

 Cris from My Fashion Juice (Is she not adorable?)

 Beautiful flowers at Whole Foods
Browsing the goods at Ulta
Goodie bags from Whole Foods, this is definitely the best one in the area, it has everything! You can chill your wine in 3 minutes (need), they have concierge shopping services (need) and the best part:
  a cart-o-lator! It's an escalator for your shopping cart that travels down to the parking garage. Of course I wanted to ride in the cart but alas, no riders allowed. 

Cute Katie from Fashion Dinosaur, you know I loved the crinoline, don't ya?

One guess as to WHO won a Marc Jacobs watch courtesy of Nordstrom Rack?!?

Here is a photo of me and my fellow cohorts after a long day of chatting, tasting and shopping:

Back row: Me, Hayley from Hey It's Hayley
Middle: Cris from My Fashion Juice, Isabel from Style Geek, Stephanie from Beauty and Gardens, Julie from Rose + Tart
Front: Elissa from Dress With Courage, Ivonne from Ivonne Stacy Style, Tina from T Minus T Plus, Katie from Fashion Dinosaur, Not pictured: Lindsay from Bobindsay Boutique

 Eco-friendly finds at Aveda

Can't wait for my complimentary pedicure at Aveda on Friday with Elissa from Dress With Courage!

Me with Katie, and Ivonne

Big thanks to our organizer, Tina, Nichole Luna our gracious and uber-cool host who (tried) to keep us on track and all of the sponsors of this lovely event!


Unknown said...

Looks like my kinda fun! Great photos and you LUUKED Fabulous!

Anonymous said...

Wow, what great fun! A cart-o-later, how neat is that and oh that delish yougart. You looked amazing, all of you did. Your dress was awesome :)

Prissy said...

Looks like so much fun! You looked fabulous, as usual. Everyone looked really nice!


Jewels For Hope said...

you looked like you had so much fun!

and btw- LOVED how you paired the bright yellow clutch with your outfit!!!!

Full Figured Diva said...

Looks like you had a ball! You look great girl! I'm lovin' all the color!


Absolutely Mrs. K said...

you look smashing in that fabulous red dress, it has the perfect cut. but what i love the most is the combination with the clutch and the divine shoes. looks like you had a fabulous day.

Flygurl74 said...

The dress was divine! Loved it!

Tina said...

I'm so glad you could come! Although I am super jealous that I didn't win the watch. ;)

Manecoarse said...

Oh, you look soooo pretty. Love the dress with the clutch, and your hair. Looks like a fun time, and the weather was nice and warm Saturday, so that was an added bonus, I'm sure.

Garnerstyle said...

Sigh..I am so sad I was out of town

gen321 said...

You guys look awesome! Love your yellow clutch!

Ms. Tee said...

That last pic is another magazine worthy shot! You look fab!

Audrey...Miss Moon's Musings said...

Every visit to this blog turns into a "must-have" challenge for me... and I love it! LOL

I must find a plus size version of that dress so I can try to recreate that terrific outfit!

Anonymous said...

I have a hard on for that redhead in the long skirt



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