Sunday, December 05, 2010

You want WHO to do WHAT?

Sorry for the lack of updates, my dad came to visit from Illinois so we've been catching up and running around town.

My dad is a runner, has been for over 25 years. He was injured in Vietnam and was told that he might not walk again without assistance. So what did he do? Took up running! He comes to Dallas every other year to run the White Rock Marathon (now he runs the half) and I cheer him on from the sidelines. It's normally around my birthday (a week earlier this year) so we get to spend time together and he gets to do something he loves to do.
 He will be 62 in a couple of weeks, can you believe?

I get so inspired when I see the marathon runners crossing the finish line, there are people of all ages, runners missing limbs and in wheelchairs, runners of all shapes and sizes, it's truly amazing to see them dedicate themselves to running the half (13 miles) or whole (26.2 miles) marathon. My dad tentatively suggested that I train to run the half marathon next year for my 40th (gasp!) birthday. I'm considering it, he is drawing me up a training program....

I want to start right away so that way I can build on the momentum of seeing those runners and my dad cross the finish line. Does anyone have any running tips or strategies? Is it a different training strategy for women than for men?

Outfit posts back next week, my sweater and tank above are from Zara, hair is a twistout with a flat twist in the front. 


Gina said...

Wow...congrats to Dad!!! What a inspiration!!! I started the Couch to 5k program. I believe there is program to prep for a half or full marathon. The hardest thing for me is keeping or catching my goal is to run a half in 2011!!

GFS said...

Yay! You and Pops hanging out! LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE the hair! I'm gonna do it. You know I do everything you do (he he he).

Oh also Kyla from Blue Collar Catwalk blog also is a runner. You might wanna hit her up:)

Tonia Lee Smith said...

Handsome fellow your father. Running, I wish you well. Not anything that I want to consider, but anyone can do anything they put there mind to.

sun-kissed said...

Love it! You guys look great! I don't have any tips, but good luck with your training! And no, your dad does not look his age at all and neither do you:)

misss_e said...

Your dad looks great for 62 years old! Whatever suggestions you get for running share them. Im interested in taking up running as well.

Ms. Tee said...

Your dad looks great...yay for running! Like Gina, I also started with the "From Couch Potato to 5K Plan" after walking for some time. Then I trained for the annual 10K in my city. It feels good to accomplish such a goal, especially since I never considered myself a runner until the past couple of years! You can do it...just remember to do things at your pace and don't overexert yourself!

Here is the link to the Cool Running site Gina mentioned:

This is the training page, and includes links to the 5K training plan, as well as marathon mania. Be sure to keep us posted...good luck!

Kandi said...

ummmm how in the world did I miss this one? Awww look at you & daddy! We should train & run together. You can come to Atlanta or I'll come to Dallas.



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