Friday, April 29, 2011

In The Fashionista's Closet: Neutral Territory

Yesterday I had to be easy breezy (i.e. relaxed and comfy) because the kids were testing and I needed to walk around a lot. I pulled out my Dolce Vitas that I got from Target and they were comfy...until I got to my second job! I think all of the walking during the day did me in...
Someone commented on my last post that I got a haircut but I didn't get it cut, my hair is twisted and I pinned up the twists. Hope you can see it better here. 

Earrings: Can't remember but I love them
Bracelets: Assorted
Ralph Lauren jacket: Thrifted by Reiko
Men's Bill Blass shirt: Rummage Sale
Cargos: J.C. Penney
Wedges: Dolce Vita for Target
Bag: Shopping party

"The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate." - Oprah Winfrey


Anonymous said...

That is some serious style you've got there. Love the jacket and long white shirt and the way you folded the sleeves of the shirt over the jacket. Pairing that with the combat trousers ( is that what it is called, i don't know lol) brings it down from been too businessy to business-casual. Love, Love.

Oh, and the ankara? cropped top in the post below is beauuuuutiful!

Style Chic 360 said...

I just love your style!

BESOS LYNN said...

I thought you cut your hair, it looks great pinned back! Great wedges, sorry they hurt after a few hours! My weary feet understand completely!
besos,lynn said...

Hey! I awarded your lovely blog with the One Lovely Blogger Award :) For more details go here xx

Audrey...Miss Moon's Musings said...

Love love love that bag... As Jodie Foster says in "Nell", "Wanna Wanna Waaaaaaannnnnnnnnaaaaaaa!!" LOL

Katie Mac said...

Loving that bag!!!!!

Toria said...

Cute everything especially that bag..gimmi gimmi! lol :)

Neka said...

I love your style, your blog is such an inspiration!



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