Sunday, January 30, 2011

InSIDE The Fashionista's Closet!

Guess what I did today?
Semi-organized my closet!

I am very visual so it is important to me to be able to see everything and have it all in one place.

My ex-boyfriend made me this earring holder out of some wood and screen netting but you can also use a picture frame.

I hung up hooks for my bags.

 Found this organizer at the thrift store and finally put it to use.
 This shoe organizer was a garage sale find.

I say 'semi-organized' because I normally hang my clothes by color so I hadn't tidied that up yet.

 I hang my necklaces on a two sided belt hanger.

The shelves are from Home Depot, I used the small space at the bottom to hold my clutches.

Now of course this should make getting dressed easier in the morning, right???


Danna said...

Oh thank you for allowing us to sneak a peek inside your closet. I enjoy seeing how other people organize their closets...I know..I need to get a life!

laniza said...

I'm in awe of your jewelry collection. Where did you find such awesome stuff?!

misss_e said...

Im lusting after your necklaces! I love how you have them hung up!

Ms. Tee said...

OMG...I love how organized your closet is! I could definitely use the systems you have for your earrings...the belt hanger for your necklaces is a smart idea as well. :)

Anonymous said...

So now I know I need to come raid the closet! Those pink shoes (thye look sude) I need those, lol!

TrendySocialite said...

I like your closet. We do very similar things. I hang my bags on a wall. I have a wall of accessories that I love.

Dhalia Edwards said...

I love could I have missed this post!




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